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DVD drive won't 'configure' under Vista but OK under XP ...

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Hi ya,


I'm using the latest Retrospect Pro. I've a new laptop that runs Vista. It is not able to 'see' the DVD drive under the Device-->Configuration option. Yet, if I whack the drive into my work laptop (another Dell D620) which runs XP (and the same version of Retrospect), it runs fine!


Any ideas most welcome?





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Hi Mike:


No, I've not been able to -- this is the first I've used Retrospect on this new laptop and the DVD is invisible to Retrospect (although is fine for other apps).


I see in other threads that people have messed with putting their hard drives on the secondary ATA and the DVD on the primary! Seems like a bug for the guys at Retrospect ... :-(


kind regards,



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Seems like a bug for the guys at Retrospect ... :-(




Actually this is not a bug. Retrospect only supports hardware tested by our lab. Sounds like you do not have an officially tested and qualified device.


The auto-configuration tool is a best guess at driver creation. If we can't configure it, then your hardware is failing the auto-testing and until the hardware is qualified in our lab, the drive is not supported.


I would recommend a hard disk, it is faster, supported, more reliable, holds more data and doesn't require swapping disk every few GB.

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By "supported drives", I presume you mean drive and OS combinations -- as my drive works fine under XP i.e. the hardware itself.


No, drives supported by Retrospect. Here is the database:



Occasionally this database is a bit out-of-date, and you have to look at the release notes for each Retrospect Driver Update (RDU) to see devices for which support has been added. Here is the RDU version history for Windows:




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