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elem-817 error--Any fixes? Pulling my hair out!

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Running Retrospect Express 9.21 on a G4 533, with 1.25GB of Ram, and

Quantum Ultra SCSI DLT tape Drive.


This error occurs on one particular backup set, and has begun to spread.

I have six backup sets, each with double backupsets, named -a and -b,

so I have been able to limp along and only do my backup-a, and not backup-b

for a particular backup because after initial launch, and it goes through the steps

of checking for the device ( SCSI) and then matching the backup set,

when it prepares to execute, it gives the "elem-817c" error, and fails.


Things I have been noticing:

*On Recycles or New Media, doesn't happen, only on new ( incremental)

*At boot up of the mac, I get a weird "File Sharing could not be enabled" message, even though all CP/EXT

for filesharing are off.

On the ones that do work, I get about 50% of the time an error for "date and time may not be synced,

Retrospect has unexpectedly quit" at the END when it it trying to update its catalogs on some -a

backup sets, but I can ususally run it again ( after a reboot) and it works fine.


Any help would be appreciated!

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Ok, further testing....


I created a brand new BackupSet and script, named Backupset3 ( storageset named same).

I set it to backup as normal an attached 160GB FW drive.

I also unchecked the following:

*Set time of volume storageset

*stop on errors


So far, it has been running trying to scan the fw drive, and create its catalog

(matching) in ths normal backup, but it has stalled once.

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Ok, further testing...

at the point of updating the catalog, with 40 items left to go,

(having updted 173GB of items) the elemc error occurs,

and retrospect can only be quit via forced reboot.


I will investigate if this is because the storage set

is too large for it to handle updating the catlog,

and if making a smaller catalog and storage set

will fix the problem....

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