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What does "Unknown Status" mean?

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Hi Folks,


I have Express v4.3 on my desktop G3 with OS 8.6. I have a Sony Spressa USB CD burner hooked up. I just started using the unit.


I was able to back up to one set of media just fine. I then went to my "backup" set of back up media (I always have two backups). When I got to the final screen where it tells me which disk to insert to do the backup, I insert the correct disk, the screen says "Loading" but then it says "Unknown Status" with the CD icon to the left. To the right, on the same line as "Unknown Status" is the name of the CD burner. So the computer sees the burner.


Anyone know what's going on?





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It appears that Retrospect cannot correctly communicate with the drive. Retrospect still knows it is there but it can't tell what kind of a drive it is. My guess is there was a hiccup with memory management or the device. Does powering down the drive and rebooting the machine help?


Is Retrospect able to properly read the other set of backup disks you just created?





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Hi Nate,


Thanks for the reply.


When I shut down and restart the machine, I sometimes can then do a backup and sometimes I can't. There doesn't seem to be a pattern to this.


Same thing with the other disks. Retrospect can always recognize the backup I want to do and it can always tell me the next disk to insert to do a subsequent backup. This doesn't really have anything to do with the drive up to this point.


But's it a toss-up as to whether it will actually recognize the disk it told me to put in when I insert it in the drive. That's the first time Retrospect actually deals with the drive itself.




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