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Catalog file limit?

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HI, I was able to complete a complete (apps and docs) file backup somehow from an iBook dual USB (Mac OS 9.2.2) to a Lacie firewire hard drive, but cannot get it to repeat. The total size ( of used space on the iBook drive) is around 9 gigs, and there are over 20 gigs available on the firewire drive. I keep getting an error message that says something like the backup file catalog is limited to 16 megs, or some such... it doesn't make any difference if I limit the back up to docs only, or use compression. I thought I could conveniently back up an entire drive's contents onto a larger drive with a few clicks, then have a total restore available without patching different files together... isn't that what a backup program should be able to do?




Very frustrated at this point, not at all user friendly and the help files are very limited. Are there any competing products that can accomplish this simple task if Express isn't built to do this?





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The File backup set uses the Resource Fork to store the catalog information. The Resource Fork is limited to 16 MB (or about 50,000 files in the backup set snapshot). This limit is a real pain.




But guess what, next week Retrospect 5.0 will be released and it works around this Mac OS 16 MB limit!! Yah!




Keep an eye on dantz.com for the announcement next week.

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