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Temporary Installation

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I use Retrospect 6 on a G5 iMac with Tiger and backup to an external LaCie 200Gb hard drive.


I also have a pocket-size mobile LaCie 40Gb Data Bank that I use with my Mac PowerBook. To back up this small drive, I connect it to the iMac and use Retrospect to send the data to the large LaCie drive.


I don't use scheduled backups, and these are the only two things I back up with Retrospect. I don't have a Retrospect client license for the laptop because I don't have any data on it -- all the data is in the mobile LaCie.


The power supply on my iMac burned out and it is in for repair. So even though I have my laptop, I can't access any of the data backed up by Retrospect on the large LaCie hard drive. Can I can install Retrospect temporarily on the laptop? When I read about moving Retrospect, it says to copy the catalog files from the original backup machine to the new one, but I can't do that -- the iMac is gone.


Hope someone can help -- I'm at a standstill.

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