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Mac OS Startup authentication: can't get past it

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I am running Express v5.0.238 on a new Dual 1Ghz G4, with OS 10.2.2, and I cannot get past the user auth screen. I enter the correct name and password, and then Express just quits every time. I have reinstalled Express, and I have changed the password, but neither works.


Thanks for any help in advance

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Here is exactly what happens:


1) Launch application, icon appears in dock, bounces once


2) Auth screen comes up, icon in dock disappears


3) Fill out auth screen, click OK


4) Auth screen dismisses, app does not launch




Happens every time. It runs fine on my older G4.

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In reply to:

Here is exactly what happens:


1) Launch application, icon appears in dock, bounces once


2) Auth screen comes up, icon in dock disappears


3) Fill out auth screen, click OK


4) Auth screen dismisses, app does not launch




Happens every time. It runs fine on my older G4.




Is anything being logged by Crash Reporter at:






Have you run the Repair Permissions function of Disk Utility?





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