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Must I have OS 9.x to install?

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Dear pros,




When I attempt to install on Jaguare, the the install tries to start from the Classic System Folder on the Retrospect CD. Then it tells me that there's no local OS 9.x system folder, and quites.




Do I have to install OS 9.x in order to install Retrospect Workgroup 4.3 for MAC ?




Do I have to script the backup schedules to run automatically?





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4.3 is not supported for Mac OS X. You need to upgrade to 5.0 for compatibility. If you've just purchased the product, you can fax your proof of purchase to our customer service department and you'll likely be able to upgrade for free. If you purchased it more than 30 days ago, see this page for upgrade information:





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Well, the reason I got Mac 4.3 workgroup, is because I was told 5.0 for MAC is no longer available, and 6.0 will not work for me.




So, will 4.3 for MAC back up a machine with OS 10.2 only if I install OS 9.x on it?





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yes, I got this info from Dants rep that shipped the product. initially i got the quote on 5.0 for mac, but then the rep told me that version 5.0 is no longer available.




machines are win2k pro and macs.




There are no MAC servers or Win2k servers in the MS network sense, but I want to make one machine a backup server, don't care if it's mac or pc.




So now that I have v4.3, do I need to upgrade to 5.0, or can I continue using 4.3 in my environment?













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You need to decide if you want to connect your backup device to a Mac or a PC and then that machine will have the Retrospect application installed on it. It will become your *Retrospect* server.




It doesn't matter which OS you choose to run the application; you'll be able to back up both Mac and Windows clients either way.




If you want to have a Mac as your Retrospect server, you need to upgrade to version 5.0 for Mac.




If you'd rather have a PC for a server, you need to return the product you got and purchase Retrospect 6.0 for Windows.

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