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installing 5 client on old os x server (v.1)

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we bought retrospect 5 (via download) to properly backup our old os x server. so far we had been backing it up via the macos.app 8.6 - a method i gather may not be thorough. we are about to update the old version 1 server software to the new os x 10 server software and want to make sure the server is completely backed up before we make the switch. i'm not very familiar with the workspace manager and can't figure out how to install the software. we made a cd of the installers and tried to install that, but the computer keeps saying it is a classic application and i should switch to macos. is this client even compatible with the original (not v.10) version of mac osx server? i had assumed it was since the ads say "os x" not "os 10" ... but perhaps dantz was forgetting about the earlier version?? or maybe i need the official install cd to install on the server?


anyone know??





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Retrospect running on an 8.6 machine cannot back up any version of OS X; OS X backup requires Retrospect 5.0, which only runs on OS 9 or later.




No version of Retrospect supports the old version of OS X, actually. Only 10.1.2 or later of OS X is supported by Retrospect.

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thanks IrenaS. i was afraid of that.


you'd think that would be somewhere in the support documents since they go on and on about osx support but don't seem to mention version.


so i guess that really means that even if we do the new install of v. 10 on a seperate disk and back all the old and new stuff up from there that retrospect is still not going to properly backup the v. 1 materials? has nothing i've been backing up from the old machine (using 4.3 on the 8.6 partition, and including the server drives) really restorable? or are the documents themselves restorable but not the system stucture? just curious... for now we'll use a seperate drive for the new install and forget about retrospect until version 10 is ready to roll.


thanks again for your help!



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