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Hello I am new here and I have Retrospet Express HD and on the 15 of last month I did a backup with my files then my computer got a new harddrive but I know everything is on the extrnal harddrive because the guy at BB hooked it up the computer there and everything was there.


When I got my computer back I plugged the drive in and went to get my things and they were all rdb files and I couldn't open them so I opened Retrospect and tried to do a restore and this is what the error said.


Executing DirectRestore at 11/10/2007 3:31 PM

To volume Local Disk (C:)...

-11/10/2007 3:31:29 PM: Restoring from RestorePoint, Snapshot Local Disk (C:), 10/15/2007 2:56:25 PM

No files need to be restored

State information not restored, can't access Snapshot

11/10/2007 3:31:35 PM: 1 execution errors

Duration: 00:00:05 (00:00:05 idle/loading/preparing)


Can somebody please help me, these files are extremely important.

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