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Blue Screen


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I installed Retrospect Pro 7.5. The install seemed to go fine. When I started it up after the install, however, the small logo box came up and a few seconds after that my system crashed. I am running Wondows XP Home Edition with all the latest patches. I rebooted and tried again with the same result. The next time I uninstalled and downloaded the product again. I installed it and encountered the same problem. I Blue Screen with a message about a major system error .... blah blah.... DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL..... any suggestions? Is it not compatible with the Home Edition?

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I did not have to boot in safe mode. When rebooted the machine would come back up normally with the standard message that it had recovered from a serious problem. Other than that everything appeared to operate normally until I tried to start Retrospect at which time the BSOD would reappear. BTW, I had previously had installed and used Retrospect Express 6.5 without any problem in my current configuraton. I am a bit of an amateur photographer so my exernally attached harddrives have grown a bit out of control. Right now I have two USB hubs installed and five external USB drives from three different manufactures ranging in size from 160 GB to 500 GB.


Out of curiosity what is Retrospect doing on start up that would cause it to see a hardware conflict where no other application I run is experiencing that type of problem. If there is a hardware conflict what would I look for to identify and resolve it?

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