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Error 1017


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Can anyone help me out here. I have two computers netwroked together. One computer is called den where the backup software runs. The second is called laptop whose files are shared on den. I'm trying to back up my files from den as well as the shared files from laptop and get the insufficient permission error 1017. I created a username and password on laptop with administrator privileges but in the security preference I couldn't enter it without an error. If I add the user and password on den it takes it but then I get the error and it cant save the shared files from laptop. ANy ideas?


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There are two parts to Retrospect:


(1) The Retrospect program itself, that does the backups, that runs on one computer, that can back up files seen on that computer and can also chat with Retrospect client programs on computers on the network.


(2) Retrospect client, that runs on other computers on the network and chats with the Retrospect program.


Different versions of Retrospect come with different numbers of client licenses, and you can purchase additional client licenses. The matrix is here:



Using the client avoids all of these permissions issues, because the client is able to access everything on its computer. Sounds like you might want to run Retrospect client on "laptop".



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