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Can Retrospect "dial" a VPN?

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The server that I used to back-up to via FTP has moved (new IP, firewall appliance and router) and Retrospect is complaining about a lack of write permissions, disk full, etc., even though no FTP settings have changed on the remote server and I can put files to that server via FTP. It looks like it's a passive/active issue. I cannot change the firewall settings, but I can VPN into the network via OS X's Internet Connect. Is there a way I can get Retrospect to connect to the VPN and access the server that way?



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Again, Ray, Robin Mayoff has the right solution. If you use the Retrospect Event Handler (written in AppleScript), it will get called every time Retrospect is launched, every time a script runs, etc. You can do "trigger scripts" that can do whatever you want, such as start the VPN, etc. We use that to shut down our mail server before the mail system is duplicated, then restart the mail server, then back up the duplicated mail subsystem.



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If you use the Retrospect Event Handler (written in AppleScript), it will get called every time Retrospect is launched, every time a script runs, etc.


OK. I'll have to give that a look. Assuming connecting via the VPN is the trick to get my FTP back-ups to work once again.



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