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Super-Slow network backup


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I'm running Retrospect 7.5 in a number of different sites, with varying degrees of success. The one that's got me going nuts is my head office site, where backup slurps from any/all client machines to the server hard drive are proceeding at the blinding pace of 1.8 Mb/minute. The same backups at other sites, using the same type of equipment and software are anywhere from 150 mb./minute to over 600 mb./minute.

I've run perfmon on both a client machine and the server, and they are just loafing along, NIC traffic and processor are both under 1% usage.

If I run a file transfer between these machines outside of Retrospect, I get average speeds around 350 mb/min.

The client is set to give full priority to backup.


I might add that I have the same problem at one of my other sites, but only involving one client out of 25.

I've unistalled and reinstalled both the client and the server software, all to no avail. All the latest updates have been done...Any bright ideas out there?

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