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Advise for a server novice regarding backing up backup files...


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Hi there...our small business has ONE server. Not being a server expert, I need some advise please. Our server is used for EVERYTHING in our office...apps, files, DHCP, faxes, etc. I currently use the Windows Server 2003 SBS Backup utility to run a nightly backup...it keeps 3 backup sets (.bkf files), each currently about 26GB. I am also using Retrospect Disk-to-disk to back up to a pair of 500GB external HD's that I swap out weekly in order to keep one off site. My question is...is it overkill to continue to copy the windows .bkf files to my external hd's since everything contained in them, supposedly, is already contained in the retrospect backup sets. Or, would it be safer or a "best practice" to also make redundant copies of the .bkf files. Thank you for any thoughts and advice you may have!!



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I don't quite get what kind of advice you are after, so I will be pretty generic.


Since the .bkf files reside on the sama hardware as the original files, you are not safe against fire, theft or even a simple hard disk failure.


Keeping at least one full backup off site is essential. The external drives ARE kept off site, right?

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