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didn't compare at offset Error


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I have Retrospect Express HD for Windows version 1.0.196, and the last seven backup attempts have produced the following error:


File "C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\Downloaded Programs\Other Apps\Nero 6.6 Major Update\nero_photoshow_express_setup_intl_us.exe": didn't compare at offset 104 in stream ":Zone.IdentifierATA"


I don't think I've changed anything to this file path lately, either, which is the perplexing part. But does anyone happen to know how to fix this?


Thanks in advance.

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That is a little strange. It sounds like the OS will not allow the file to be correctly copied. If this only happens to 1 file, I would just ignore the error. sounds like a file you downloaded from the internet, and you could probably just download it again if needed.

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The weird thing is I've had that program for a long time, and I haven't gotten this error until recently. I did a quick google search, and it appears this has popped up for other people, but the solution seems hazy, so I thought I'd post it here, as well, to try and get to the bottom of it.



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