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Grooming Problem Proactive Backup

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here's the situation:


I've got a backup server running retrospect 7.5 in Proactive backup mode, backing up to a raid 5 array attached via scsi (u320) to this server. I've set the grooming of the backup set to happen according to retropect's default policy, but today the server filled up the disk and would not back up any clients saying that it was waiting for available backup media (a.k.a the full raid 5 array). Any Idea how this would happen? I was under the impression that retrospect would groom as necessary with these settings. If fact I know that it's suppossed to because I have another server in a different location that grooms when the disk its backing up nears capacity. Anyone else had an issue like this or experience with a similar problem? I'm running the latest version of retrospect for windows and all the hotfixes and driver updates as well.

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I had a similar issue when i started out using retrospect earlier this year. I found that if I allow it to fill the hard drive beyond 90% it runs into problems with grooming. The solution i found to the problem is to only allow my sets to fill out to 85% of the hard drive space this resolved my backup problems with grooming.

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I've set the grooming of the backup set to happen according to retropect's default policy, but today the server filled up the disk and would not back up any clients saying that it was waiting for available backup media (a.k.a the full raid 5 array). Any Idea how this would happen?



It's simply possible that Retrospect has already groomed out as much as it can.



I found that if I allow it to fill the hard drive beyond 90% it runs into problems with grooming.



The disk where the backup set is or where the catalog is? The disk where the catalog is does need some space for grooming to function.

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