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V7.5, Email and Email Attachements


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In a relatively large and open environment we are in the process of implementing Retrospect as our Desktop Backup Solution.


Being large and open many of our users have large amounts of multimedia on their computers which we have decided no to backup by setting selectors to exclude some 150 types of files. This was done as an inventory of the average computer showed several GB of multimedia and totaled about a dozen TB across our campus, which we determined was too expensive to backup everyone’s home movies and digital photographs.


We also have a variety of different Email Clients (Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Other) on the computers.


Because we have excluded all multimedia files we need to include multimedia files stored in Email messages. I am looking for a good way to do that as everything is stored in differing locations and it may also vary in the same software installation. Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.


Jeff Johnson

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It sounds like you've already crafed a custom selector to deal with part of your needs. You'll need to build on that selector to include email from particular clients if for some reason attachments are stored in their plain file format. I know with outlook you only need to worry about the pst file, however I'm not overly familiar with other clients. You may need to employ nested arguments for specific clients you are dealing with, something like the following:


Includes (files and folders) named "Thunderbird"

- and Includes (files) named *jpg


You might also use a selector as a reference in the arguments, so that your statement appears more like:


Includes (files and folders) named "Thunderbird"

- and Matches Selector "Media Files"


Either way you'll need to do some testing using the Check Selector option.

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