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COmpare Failing


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WHen I get a update to something online, I download it and install it as most do. I also save the originally downloaded file on HD in case it is needed again. It is on one of these files, last modified on 10/20 that I am getting "File does not compare" and there is no offset given as I have seen in other messages. This is not so much a major problem as it is an annoyance.


- 12/2/2006 1:44:08 AM: Copying DATA (D:)

12/2/2006 2:08:51 AM: Snapshot stored, 15.7 MB

12/2/2006 2:08:54 AM: Comparing DATA (D:)

File "D:\Programs in use\ais Watermark protector -r\aiswpp3110202006.exe": didn't compare

12/2/2006 2:31:14 AM: 1 execution errors

Completed: 72533 files, 25.6 GB

Performance: 1136.0 MB/minute (1100.1 copy, 1175.1 compare)

Duration: 00:47:05 (00:01:03 idle/loading/preparing)


Each Friday I do a recycle Backup. My current version is Version Chkdsk reports no errors and I can run the file. So it is not corrupt.


Any ideas and or suggestions are appreciated.

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