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Application License Code Not Accepted


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Bought Express HD from buy.com, installed it, and it will NOT accept the application license code on the CD envelope. I tried it uppercase and lowercase, with and without the hyphens. I'm stuck!


(Also, be aware that it installs Microsoft .NET 2.0 as a prerequisite, though it nowhere says that on the box.)

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Mayoff, thanks for the quick reply.


I did try Smith Micro but they are closed for the weekend, of course.


I am running Windows XP Professional with latest updates, including .NET 2.0 which Retrospect installed. Windows firewall is turned off. I also tried turning off Norton AntiVirus, and that didn't work either.


I get NO message when using the code: I type in the code (tried lowercase as printed on label, uppercase also; tried with hypens as printed on label, without also). I type in the code, click OK, and it just returns to the welcome panel still indicating "unlicensed".




This computer is on a home network behind a hardware NAT router. This has never been a problem with previous versions of Retrospect.


I am an experienced Retrospect user, have 7.5 installed and am testing Express HD 2.0 before recommending it to others, and am even a former EMC employee.

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Thanks, Mayoff.


Have indeed checked for alpha vs. digit confusion; the sticker very clearly uses lowercase alpha.


What's strange is, I get no error message about the license code; it just returns to the welcome screen.


On Monday I will try both Smith Micro and Retrospect support. Would appreicate your emailing me a good number for Retrospect support that won't just send me back to Smith Micro.

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Email to Smith Micro:


Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 13:37:34 -0600

To: techsupport@smithmicro.com

Subject: Retrospect Express HD 2.0 Application License Code


There is a problem with the application license code for Retrospect Express HD 2.0, which I purchased from buy.com this week.


I tried to get answers from the Smith Micro web site but couldn't even find a place to register the product and establish an ID. Retrospect is not in the product list.


I have corresponded with EMC Retrospect support without success so far. The exchanges are here:




Please help!

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Having same problem, also got my copy from Buy.com. The code on CD sleeve is not recognized. tried many times it is more than 16 characters it is 24. there is no other code anywhere or on reg card. I installed several times no error message, this is very frustrating. How do i get the correct license as the one i just got will not work. Ii need to back up my machine but can't run the software until I get the license to work. This is B.S.. Do the right thing and pay for the software and can't even register it. Help!

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EMC Tech Support acknowledged that there was a bad batch of product with the wrong Application License Codes, asked for proof of purchase, and provided a valid Code by return emai. Very professional and helpful, thank you.


Note: the correct Application License Code did NOT work until I turned off Norton AntiVirus temporarily.

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  • 1 month later...

This is as far as I got - the link above provided the no. 866-249-5391 for Tech Supp.


The tech there referred me to Retrospect T/S at the no. 866-362-1111

That no. reached an announcement directing callers to emcinsignia.com

AND told me to wait for the next available tech. Aftera long wait (it's 4:30PST on Friday)

another announcement: Hours are 7-4PST M-Thur. 7-3 Friday 6-3 M-F

One of thise was T/S for Retrospect - forgot which.

Have a nice weekend.


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