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Error 540 - Trouble Creating Service

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I'm getting an error 540 (trouble creating service) with one of my backup clients. All I've found online pertains to the Windows client or renaming a volume, which do not apply to me.


Here is some more detailed info:


Server: Mac OS Server 10.4.8 Dual 1GHZ G4 Xserve with 2GB RAM running Retrospect 6.1.126


Client: Mac OS Server 10.4.8 1.66 GHZ Intel Core Duo Mac Mini with 2 GB RAM running Retrospect 6.0.108


The only thing I can think of would be that it's an Intel Mac. All our other backup clients are running on G4/G5 machines, or Windows boxes.


Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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>Too bad it requires a restart, I can't figure out what to do with the update file (RCU file format).


No, no restart required!


The RCU file is used from within Retrospect to "push" a client install across the network.


Configure->Clients->Your_Client->Configure (button)->Configure (tab)->Update




Configure->Clients->Clients (menu)->Update All...


When prompted, navigate to the RCU file and Retrospect will send over the new version.





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  • 3 months later...

i have a similar situation to the original poster. i am running retrospect server version 6.1.126 on a powerpc mac and trying to backup a macbook client (intel processor) running client version 6.1.130. in my case, both machines are running mac os x (client) 10.4.8.


each time it seems i get near the end of the scan and then the backup termninates with "Scanning incomplete, error 540 (trouble creating services)".


same server has recently succssfully backed up other clients, including other powerpc and intel macs.


settings were originally migrated from an older powerpc mac to the intel macboook that is currently causing a problem using the apple migration assistant. at first, this caused a retrospect client id conflict. so i did a complete uninstall/reinstall of the client. now i can't get this macbook to backup due to this 540 error.


any help appreciated. in my case, afaik, it does not appear to be just a matter of getting new versions, as i am already running the latest client/server versions discusses above.

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  • 2 weeks later...

followup to my earlier post:


i am still unable to backup the client over the network. i still get the same uniformative message: error 540 (trouble creating services) at or near the end of the scan process with no other info to go on about what file or other issue might be involved in the problem.


an additional data points:


1. i took the client (laptop), put it in firewire target disk mode and connected it directly to the backup server machine and was able to do a direct backup that way with no problem. since then, i have tried again to do network backups and they still fail with the same message. whatever the problem is, it seems to relate specifically to some codepath in the client/server part of the backup server.


2. other clients (both ppc and intel) are backing up fine to this server and have been for a long time. whatever the problem is, it is specific to this client and does not appear to be a problem with server, the backup set, etc.

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still get the same uniformative message: error 540 (trouble creating services) at or near the end of the scan proces



- Are all your tests using the same Source volume?


- What happens if you define a lightly-populated folder as a Subvolume and attempt to use that as a Source for a client backup?


- is the Macbook cilent a Core Duo or a Core2 Duo?




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  • 2 weeks later...

- Are all your tests using the same Source volume?


yes, i am trying to back up the entire disk each time. as i reported above, i was able to attach the machine in target disk mode and do a backup with no problem, so presumably the set of files selected for (incremental) backup now should be much smaller, i think, but it's still scanning the entire disk.


- What happens if you define a lightly-populated folder as a Subvolume and attempt to use that as a Source for a client backup?


i will try this and report back.


- is the Macbook cilent a Core Duo or a Core2 Duo?


core2 duo macbook. oddly enough, i also have another core2 duo macbook that backs up fine.

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- Are all your tests using the same Source volume?


yes, i am trying to back up the entire disk each time. as i reported above, i was able to attach the machine in target disk mode and do a backup with no problem, so presumably the set of files selected for (incremental) backup now should be much smaller, i think, but it's still scanning the entire disk.


It always has to scan the entire disk to figure out what has changed. Is the incremental backup being done to the same backup set with this volume still mounted in TDM? If the answer to either of those questions is no, then a full backup will be done.



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followup to an earlier question:


just now, i tried doing an immediate backup of a subvolume (just one user's homedir) of the complete volume that i had previously been unable to backup. it started scanning and after less than a minute, it got the same error as before.


so if nothing else, at least i have an easier-to-reproduce test case...

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  • 2 weeks later...




I just found this topic by way of google search, as I am having (and have had in the past) the same problem.


I get the same "error -540 (trouble creating service)" when backing up directories on my Fedora Core 4 and higher linux servers. It seems to happen in the same locations every time.


I had this problem in the past. It has only started occuring when I upgraded from Retrospect 7.0 to 7.5. The only way I ever found to get around the problem was to just keep using Retrospect 7.0.


Unfortunately, I was just forced to update to 7.5 .... and the problems have started to occur again. It happens no matter which version of the client I have running on my server (I tried older 6.5 and 7.0 versions ... but those gave the same result). I am quite confident that the problem directly relates to a bug in Retrospect 7.5.


Has anyone discovered a way to fix this? I find it quite odd that an older version of Retrospect worked with no problems ... but this newer version is giving me nothing but a headache.

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  • 3 months later...

i finally figured out what was causing this.


i think the event that caused the problem was that a user on this system had attempted to do a backup of their address book settings. when prompted for a location, they saved the backup to ~/Library/Application Support/Address Book. so this amounts to copying a directory into itself, and when the application is not coded defensively to check for this (which AB is not, apparently), it essentially gets into an infinite recursion and as a result, attempts to create some very, very deeply nested folders (then eventually dies as a result). this had happened months earlier and had gone unnoticed.


when retrospect tried to scan these folders during a network backup, it would simply die with the aforementioned error, "error 540 - trouble creating service..." (and without printing any kind of useful error message on the server).


having lived with this problem for several months before i was finally able to work around it, i had also attempted to backup with backup.app. strangely/interestingly, it, too, had problems. it, too, failed to produce any kind of useful error message, but instead just went into an infinite loop of creating more and more incremental backup files until i stopped it.


the way i finally located the problem was to run diskwarrior. it reported that there were files with pathnames longer than the recommended maximum. when i looked at the offending files, i saw a very long list of nested folders and was able to piece together what must have happened to cause it.

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  • 3 months later...

ok. several months later. now i am having another problem on a different client that reports in the retrospect server logs as:


"Scanning incomplete, error 540 (trouble creating service)"


i'm getting the impression that this is actually a pretty generic error message that applies to any kind of problem that occurs during the scan phase on the client.


on the client side, i am seeing in the logs:


ConnReadData: Connection established by <ip>

ConnReadData: Connection with <ip> was reset

ConnReadData: Connection established by <ip>

transPiper: non-stream packet too large: 757099637

connTcpConnection: invalid code found: 111

ConnReadData: Connection with <ip> was reset


where the first two lines repeat a few times.


i have tried the tricks i had used previously to track down the problem (running diskwarrior to learn of an extremely deep folder hierarchy), but this time, only minor problems were found and the problem persists after they were corrected by dw.

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a followup on this recent problem...


tried re-installing the client, just as a general-cure-all type fix. did not help.


my client just sits and continuously retries and fails during the scan each time. whatever file or directory or condition that is causing the problem is not being reported (except as noted above, which doesn't seem to me to be very informative).


i am completely stuck without a working backup solution for this client.



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encryption: no.

software upgrade recently: no.



what i did that seems to have caused the problem things up was i did an immediate restore from the backup server machine onto a pocket hard drive. then i test-booted this drive to make sure it was working properly, then cloned it onto the internal hard drive of my laptop. this seems like a pretty innocent thing to do and i don't see why retrospect shouldn't work normally after this process.


now my laptop is the client that is generating the "trouble creating service" error.

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