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Retrospect Professional 7 doesn't find client (error -530)


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Initially I had one Windows XP2 PC (A) with two users and 2 hard disks, one of them for backup. Had no problem with Retrospect 7.

I bought a second Windows XP2 PC (B) and installed Retrospect Professional 7.0.112 on it.

I deleted Retrospect 7 from the first computer (A) (using the remove programs control panel).

I installed Retrospect Client (A).

Retrospect on computer B works ok doing backups from it's main disk to the backup disk.

It should connect to computer A and backup to the backup disk in computer B.

It did this only once, stopped with an error and since then does not find the client (error -530).


Both computers have enabled sharing and are accessible to each other and to Internet, so there is no network problem.

I have installed the retrospect 7 and it's latest client.

I have tried with the firewalls enabled and exceptions for UDP and TCP ports 497 (and Retrospect and Retrospect Client) on both computers enabled.

I have tried with both firewalls disabled.

I have tried deleting and reinstalling the client.


All to no avail.

Help will be appreciated


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Hi Francisco,




Both computers have enabled sharing and are accessible to each other and to Internet, so there is no network problem.




This really wouldn't have any effect on the Retrospect client. Your troubleshooting with the firewalls is a good step, however.


Can you look through the log for the error which terminated your first backup of the client? Can you check the Windows event viewer to see if there are any errors related to Retrospect or the Retro client?

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