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Deleting Back Up Files - clean house

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I am not all that computer literate so this question may seem simple to whoever reads it.

I am using EMC 7.5v and all seems to be working fine. However, I want to clean house and delete all my scripts, initial back up, various updates, everything except the actual operating application of EMC. I noticed various files EMC puts on the drive C and the Maxtor external hard drive, etc. I am not sure what files to delete so I can start fresh. Any list of these files would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Tom

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Remove the following:


The backup data;

(backup drive):\Retrospect\


The catalog files - these can be stored anywhere, the default is;

C:\Documents and Settings\(User)\My Documents\Retrospect Catalog Files


The configuration files;

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect


When you next launch Retrospect it will prompt you for your license code as if you had just installed it for the first time.

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