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Moving my Disk to Disk backups to tape

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I am new to this but I am using Retrospect 7.5.342 running on MS Server 2003. I have another Retrospect server running on XP Professional which runs Proactive Backups Disk to Disk for my users. I want to backup or move my backup sets from my XPP server to tape which is on my MS Server 2003. When I do this Retrospect will not backup the Retropect Backups. Should I just get enough disk to disk to provide redundancy or is their a way to archive on tape that I am missing.

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You need to transfer from one backup set to another. There are two choices from the Tools menu: Backup set Transfer and Snapshot Transfer.


You may want to read through this whitepaper which outlines a disk to disk to tape scenario to get a better feel for what setup will work for you:


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