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rdb files not being recognized

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I have read many posts from people who have had the same problem that I am having, but I did not see a solution. Then again maybe I just gave up to soon after seeing so many not figuring it out.


Here is what it happening. I am taking over backup for our company. I am trying to move some old disc to disc snapshots to tape for off site storage. The problem is some of these are old and do not have the catalog file. When I try to Repair a catalog/Restore from Disc, it does not recognize the rdb files. I select Repair catalog/recreate from disc/All Discs/ and browse to the folder containing the rdb files. I then click OK when the folder is highlighted. It asks me to name the file & I save it off to a new location. When I try to transfer the snapshot it says the backup set is empty. If I click the back up, it says it contains no files. When I know the folder contains 36 gig worth of files.


Any new ideas of how to make this work? This is Retrospect 7.5.




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You have the right idea with performing a transfer. Retrospect will not back up its own backup files. It is possible that the backups had snapshots disabled. In this case it wouldn't matter if you rebuild the catalog file, there will be no snapshots to transfer. If you perform a find files restore and are able to restore data that way then you will need to perform a backup set transfer rather than a snapshot transfer.

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I tried to Restore/Find Files, but I can't get it to work. It will not let me do anything because it wants me to select the catalog. So I select the one I just recreated and it says the the catalog is empty. I can't seem to figure out how to get around the fact that the catalog I recreate is always empty or how to get it to just go to the rdb file and grab it from those. But I am guessing that it is not possible to just go to the rdb files. I know there is something there because when I look at the folder, it says it has 1736 files that are 35 gig and range in date from 12/16/4 to 5/5/6.


I am sure there is something I am doing wrong but don't have a clue what LOL.


Thanks for any help you can give!



Auto Meter Products, Inc.

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That is what I did before. But to be sure, I printed it out and followed it to the letter and got the exact same results. It creates an empty catalog. For all I know, it could be correct except for the fact that the folder contains 1736 files that are 35 gig and range in date from 12/16/4 to 5/5/6.


Is there anything else I can do to make to make it recreate or the catalog from the files? I'm sure there is an error some where, but not really sure where or with what or what to do about it if I should find it.



Auto Meter Products, Inc.

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Foster and Tim:


Tim - appears I am in the same boat as you. I actually am trying to restore "selected" backup files from a system crash from a week ag. When I try to restore, it does not recognize the RDB files either (and I have 84 gigs of files out there!). I am going to try Foster's link to rebuild the catalog files. I will post back to notify of my results.


Neal A. Holsapple


Appleton Accounting & Consutling

Richmond, VA

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I followed the directions provided by Foster's link - recatalogued by backup set. Then I did a file open on the new catalog file to restore the files that I did nto have data disc back ups for; it appears it all has worked out fine.


My catalogue revealed over 20,000 files; now searching them (knowing what you are looking for) is a task in itself; but they should be there.


Good luck.

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