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Won't launch in Terminal Services...

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Greetings to all!


I am currently trying to setup Retrospect on a single domain controller on a company network.


There is a backup user who has Terminal Services access rights, and can be logged on to. Retrospect has this setup as the user to run as, and the title bar reflects this accordingly.




Despite checking off the "Run in Terminal Services" box, Retrospect pops up on the Administrator account, on the local console. No matter what I do, it pops up on the Admin account, and *not* as the backup user running in Terminal Services. This is a major annoyance since one has to log onto the local Admin account to work with Retrospect, rather then the designated backup account.


I've tried setting the Retrospect Autolauncher service to run as the said user with no avail. The backup user is an Administrator/Domain Admin.


Any ideas?



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  • 5 months later...

Have you tried it with the console not logged on? Best security practices would be not to have the console logged in at all times. Also, if this is a 2003 Server, if you will use either the 2003 or the v6 RDP client and add /console to the end of the URL you will get the console desktop and not just a virtual desktop. You cannot use the native XP client with the /console switch.

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Have you tried it with the console not logged on?



It's irrelevant. R launches into the console automatically if there is no running RDC when it attempts to launch.



Also, if this is a 2003 Server, if you will use either the 2003 or the v6 RDP client and add /console to the end of the URL you will get the console desktop and not just a virtual desktop.



Well, that's a neat trick. smile.gif Unfortunately, I'm using RDC from a Mac. frown.gif

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure if you either option-click or command-click rdc on the Mac it will connect to the console. Otherwise, if you're using an .RDP file at the bottom I believe you can put console=1 if you edit it with a text editor and it will connect to the console.


Alternatively, if you're using an intel mac, you can install rdesktop for linux and use X11 to connect to your machines, it's much faster. The -0 command-line option for rdesktop forces a console connect.

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