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SCSI Drive trashed

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I am backing up a maxtor 15K Atlas SCSI on an Adaptec 39320 card in a WIN20003 server. Twice now it has trashed the drive. I just noticed there was no client on this server, and the volumes for backup had been added to the script via the network neighborhood. This is Retrospect 7.0.


Has anyone had any experiences like this that can give me some thoughts?




Randy Starkey

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Foster - the drive is not able to be accessed. Some sort of partition table corruption or something i assume. Lost the volume label also. I am in the process of now of recovering the files with recovery software. They are all there, but not readable by windows. It is happening when Retrospect tries to backup the drive. Retrospect is on another machine, and this machine was being backed up. As I said though, no client was on this machine. I don't know if that could have contributed to the problem or not.







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If you're simply using a network share to connect to the drive, then Windows is primarily responsible for all traffic to and from that partition. Take a look through your event logs and see if there are any errors related to drive access that might yield some information as to what exactly is happening here. It should be noted that this is not a common issue, otherwise the product would probably be deemed unusable for many situations.


How old is the hardware we're discussing, and how long has it been in service on this particular machine? Have you run any firmware updates for the SCSI card since it's been on this machine? Are you backing up any other volumes from this computer? Are you able to install the client to see if a slightly different access method will make a difference?

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OK. I'll look at the logs. I just talked to Adaptec, and they have not had any reports similar to this. The hardware is quite new. The Adaptec card has one more firmware upgrade, but it only affects the boot BIOS and this is not the boot drive. I'm actually going to shut the BIOS off, as it's only needed for booting. I can upgrade the driver by one version also but Adaptec doubts this is the issue.


It has only happened when Retrospect has accessed the drive, so that's why I'm wondering why.


I'll recover the files, reformat the drive, and see what happens. I've got the client installed now.


Do you think Retrospect 7.5 would be any different? I have it, but have not installed it yet.



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