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Installshield error 1608 after installing


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I just completed pushing out retrospect out to 100 client computers via group policy. Now when users go to install another software package manualy (not related to retospect) the setup fails with a installshield error of 1608. This started after retrospect was installed via GP. I have followed the information about DCOM and registering files but nothing has helped ... i need to get this fixed can anyone help?


I installed this package on another computer with retrospect on it and i have the same problem, so its not the computer.


Retrospect requires you to install isscript.msi along with the retrospect client. I have to assome that installing ISscript.msi is what caused the problem.



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Well i found out this is because you cant deploy ISScript via group policy. Do not try you will [censored] up every computer.


Retrospect support will not help.


you need to manualy install Isscript by hand on each pc or use a MSI wrapper to do it via GPO.


Thanks retrospect

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although this problem is not limited to Retrospect (thanks Install Shield) it really should be a KB article. there are solutions posted all over the net for handling this yourself, but i've limited this search to those that mention Isscript9:




hope this helps someone in the future and i'd encourage other users who have gone down this road to post solutions as well as comment on how they worked/didn't work.


there is a feature request (by scottjwoodford) for this to be automated here:




i encourage anyone with this problem to add a comment to that post.



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