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Hundreds of execution errors backing up Windows Clients - what to do?

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Hi, I'm a new user - well, soon to be user. I bought an Iomega 400GB hard disk that came with Retrospect Express 6.1, tried it, saw that my needs are greater than it provides, and am now playing with the demo version of Retrospect Desktop, which I shall buy as soon as I decide this is going to work. smile.gif


My needs: I have (currently) 2 Mac OSX machines, and 2 Windows PCs (running XP-sp1, and Win2k-sp2), and I want to back them all up from my main Mac (10.3.9) onto the 400GB Iomega. I may add more computers in the future. They are all networked using a LAN.


I'm not too worried about the Mac Volumes, I've mainly been trying to see how the Windows backups are going to.


So far, I've installed Retrospect Client on the 2 Windows machines, and tried some Immediate Backups from the Mac.


The main problem appears to be this (at least I'm guessing):


I do cross-platform code development for Mac/Windows, so I'm always working on the Mac, then dragging whole directories of files over to Windows, and working on the same files over there. I use a product named ExtremeZ-IP to share various folders of the Windows machines on the Mac, into which I drag my work files, then go work on the PCs.


So there are many folders on the Windows machine that came from the Mac originally, and have an invisible icon file inside. Also, some of the files may have had a slash "/" as part of the name, such as "MyFile-10/25/06.txt" or something like that, which I guess Windows doesn't like.


(A) So I'm getting hundreds of errors such as the following (from Retrospect Operations Log):


Can't read file “Icon?”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:KCORE:klib20010:inc_x2100:Icon?”.

Can't read file “Icon?”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:KCORE:klib20010:inc_x4100:Icon?”.

Can't read file “Icon?”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:KCORE:klib20010:inc_x4100:storage:Icon?”.

Can't read file “111.10-?131.24 Integration.txt”, error -37 (invalid name), path: “C:KCORE:klib20010:inc_x4100:\111.10-?131.24 Integration.txt”.


(B) Secondly, I'm getting some "access denied" errors such as:


Can't read file “gcc2.exe”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\bin\gcc2.exe”.

Can't read file “bash.bashrc”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\bash.bashrc”.

Can't read file “cygserver.conf”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\cygserver.conf”.

Can't read file “DIR_COLORS”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\DIR_COLORS”.

Can't read file “profile”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\profile”.

Can't read file “.bash_profile”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\skel\.bash_profile”.

Can't read file “.bashrc”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\skel\.bashrc”.

Can't read file “.inputrc”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\skel\.inputrc”.

Can't read file “.bash_history”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\home\Scott Raposa\.bash_history”.

Can't read file “man.conf”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\usr\share\misc\man.conf”.

Can't read file “.bash_history”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\Documents and Settings\usr1159\.bash_history”.


© ...and some "file busy" errors:


Can't read file “CiCL0001.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiCL0001.000”.

Can't read file “CiP10000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiP10000.000”.

Can't read file “CiP20000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiP20000.000”.

Can't read file “CiPT0000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiPT0000.000”.

Can't read file “CiSL0001.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiSL0001.000”.

Can't read file “CiSP0000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiSP0000.000”.

Can't read file “CiST0000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiST0000.000”.

Can't read file “CiVP0000.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\CiVP0000.000”.

Can't read file “INDEX.000”, error -49 (file busy), path: “C:\System Volume Information\catalog.wci\INDEX.000”.


(D) .. and then these:


File “ExtremeZ-IP LOG.TXT”: different data size (set: 6,761,091, vol: 6,765,101), path: “C:Program Files:Group Logic:ExtremeZ-IP:Logs:ExtremeZ-IP:ExtremeZ-IP LOG.TXT”.

File “propstor.bk1”: different modification date/time (set: 10/9/2006 8:00:11 PM, vol: 10/9/2006 9:45:21 PM), path: “C:System Volume Information:catalog.wci:propstor.bk1”.

File “propstor.bk2”: different modification date/time (set: 10/9/2006 8:00:11 PM, vol: 10/9/2006 9:45:21 PM), path: “C:System Volume Information:catalog.wci:propstor.bk2”.

File “PC2MACPDS.EXE-2D688F0D.pf”: different data size (set: 34,200, vol: 14,064), path: “C:WINDOWS:Prefetch:PC2MACPDS.EXE-2D688F0D.pf”.



1. It seems I can get rid of many of these in the (A) section above, by designating the folder (such as C:KCORE above) as a private folder to be ignored by the client, then having Retrospect treat it as a Shared Volume, and backing it up separately that way. Is this the best/only way?


2. At the end of a session, when it tells me there's a bunch of execution errors, what are you supposed to do? I couldn't really find this discussed in the User's Guide (sorry if I missed it). It gives me a browser with all the files in question hilighted, plus stops the main window and just sits there. Am I supposed to do anything? Am I supposed to delete the files in the browser? If the browser is full of a bunch of 'Icon' files, can I just delete all of them?


What happens if I ignore all the execution errors? Is my backup valid? Would I be able to restore from it?


3. Anything I can do about the (B), ©, (D) errors above, or do I just ignore them? I've read in the User's Guide about some of them, but (for example), I have no other applications running on the PCs at this time.


Thanks for any help with this. If I can get this system to back up all of my 4 computers, I'll be in heaven, but so far I'm not doing too well with the Windows boxes. rolleyes3grem1.gif




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Bump - anybody?


My main concern at this point is: I can get rid of some of the execution errors in various ways (and I would be happy if someone had any comments about those that are detailed up above), but what do I do about the remaining errors at the end of a backup? Just ignore them? Is the backup still valid? What will happen if I tried to restore from it?


I'll consult the documentation again, but I'm not finding specific instructions about this, and a search of this forum with "execution errors" so far has not yielded any answers.

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Any files with a "can't read" error have not been backed up, and so you would not be able to restore them. The examples you cite above include files that don't meet Windows naming conventions, and files with restricted privileges. To back them up, the underlying issue would need to be addressed. If you don't need to back them up and you want to avoid the error messages, you can exclude these files by defining a custom selector or by designating private folders.


Any files with compare errors have been backed up and you could restore from the copy in the backup set. Compare errors may or may not indicate a significant problem. "Miscompare at data offset xxxx" typically means there was a problem in tranferring the data, so the file copy in the backup is likely corrupt. "Different data size" and "Different modification..." typically mean that the file was written to between the time of backup and the time of compare, which under most circumstances is not a problem.


In any case, the next time you run a backup, Retrospect will automatically attempt to back up again any files for which an error was logged. Of course, a file that cannot be read will never be backed up.

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Thanks for the reply.



Windows prohibits (many) more characters in file names than Mac OS, so that's why you get these errors.

The "Icon?" files are invisible files containing custom icons for the folder. Get rid of these custom icons will solve the problem.


OK, I understand that.


One thing I'm not sure about. At the end of a backup, when it gives you the list of execution errors, and opens a browser showing the files that caused the errors, can I just delete these ICON? files right from that browser?


Or what am I supposed to do at this point with the browser showing these files? It seems that it expects me to take some action, or why is it presenting me with a browser full of files?

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Thanks for the reply.



Any files with a "can't read" error have not been backed up, and so you would not be able to restore them. The examples you cite above include files that don't meet Windows naming conventions, and files with restricted privileges. To back them up, the underlying issue would need to be addressed. If you don't need to back them up and you want to avoid the error messages, you can exclude these files by defining a custom selector or by designating private folders.


And if I want, I can just ignore them and let the errors happen?


I'm getting the impression that it's quite normal for a backup session to end with some execution errors, and you just look through them, and ignore the ones that are not important or cannot be fixed.


Regarding "access denied" errors like the following:


Can't read file “gcc2.exe”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\bin\gcc2.exe”.

Can't read file “bash.bashrc”, error -24007 (access denied), path: “C:\cygwin\etc\bash.bashrc”.


I'm no Windows expert, I'm a Mac guy, except I also have 2 PCs for cross-platform development. Any idea what I would need to do to address this issue?

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