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Backup to HL-DT-ST GSA H21N DVD drive

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I've got a Dell with an HL-DT-ST GSA H21N drive, firmware A1.05. Retrospect 7.0 with cannot configure this drive.


Has anyone got this working with Retrospect 7.0? What about 7.5 - if it works with 7.5 then I would condifer the upgrade.




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Hi Antony,


DVD+RW would be your best bet for configuration, and I would recommend TDK or Verbatim as reliable brands.


It looks like the drive is not supported with Retrospect, if you want to keep an eye out for support in the future I would recommend joining the RDU Announcement mailing list here:


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Thanks Foster. You're right, it doesn't seem to be supported.


What puzzles me is that the drive can be written to quite happily. During the test it wrote 400Mb to the disk. What I find frustrating is that although Retrospect can write data to the DVD, it tells me it cannot configure the drive and yet it won't tell me why. If it can write 400Mb to the drive during the test, why can't it be used?


I rang EMC and they tell me I have to pay to find out why. Well I wouldn't mind paying if I knew I could get the drive supported, but I suspect that would not be the case.


I'v been using Sony CD-R (works), Sony DVD+RW (no good) and some unknown DVD+R brand (no good).


Thanks anyway, I guess I'll just have to go buy a supported DVD drive... but I wish I knew why... smile.gif


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Writing may work, but Retrospect has to be able to write, read, erase, and rewrite to media for testing to complete succesfully. A problem with any one of those steps will result in a failure of the configuration attempt.


I thought these steps were all listed in the logs during a configuration attempt, but it's been quite some time since I ran configuration.


Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Foster,


Thanks for the log pointers. I speculatively bought some DVD-RW disks and just tried to configure one today and it likes those!! So it looks like this drive does not like + variants of media, just the - variants.




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