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Piton protocal violation

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? Retrospect version 6.1.126

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version


Newest client update

all running 10.4.8


I just tried it again after rebooting and it gives me the same error. It seems I only have this issue when I back up clients to DVD, but it has to be that combo. If its to harddrive with client, no problem or if its to DVD with no client; no problem.

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_That's_ the scope of the detail you're willing to share with Forum readers?



Could you tell me what detail would be helpful? To be honest I am at a loss of how to trouble shoot this. Like I said it seems to happen specifically when I backup a client to DVD. The client does have a Filevault user - and that user is logged in. The Filevault user directory is selected as a volume. It has worked fine in the past.


I could not find anything helpful in the knowledgebase.


I am curious to know if other people have gotten this error and how they dealt with it. Its supposed to be a hardware error, but I have a hard time believing that. My best guess is that the lag due to DVD writing and simultaneous client query is generating some sort of timeouts. The host computer is a fast mini, and the client is an older g4 powerbook.

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A couple of suggestions:


Check to see whether "Link Encryption" has been selected in the client configuration window on the backup computer. Under certain circumstances, such as pauses to change media members, this option can generate a 515 error.


What kind of network hardware and topology are you using? It should be pretty simple to try backing up the Powerbook directly, using a crossover cable, to eliminate the possibility of problems with a router or gateway.

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Could you tell me what detail would be helpful? To be honest I am at a loss of how to trouble shoot this. Like I said it seems to happen specifically when I backup a client to DVD. The client does have a Filevault user - and that user is logged in. The Filevault user directory is selected as a volume. It has worked fine in the past.


I could not find anything helpful in the knowledgebase.


Sorry, pwilk. I really wasn't trying to be rude. In my initial post I gave the list of information we needed in order to try to help you, AND I gave you a link to the knowledgebase article on this error. Here, again, is my original reply to you:


It might help elicit a response if we knew what version of Retrospect you were running, what RDU,
what computer hardware, what backup device
, what OS, etc., etc. That said, a simple search of the KnowledgeBase for "piton protocol violation" returns this article:


Hope this helps.



We need to know exactly WHICH Macintosh you have. This is a network error. Some Macs have problem network hardware. If we had a better idea WHICH MACINTOSH (got it?), we might be able to suggest something.



I am curious to know if other people have gotten this error and how they dealt with it. Its supposed to be a hardware error,


Yep, that's right.


but I have a hard time believing that. My best guess is that the lag due to DVD writing and simultaneous client query is generating some sort of timeouts.





The host computer is a fast mini, and the client is an older g4 powerbook.




give us some info, we will try to help. We do feel your pain.



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Check to see whether "Link Encryption" has been selected in the client configuration window on the backup computer. Under certain circumstances, such as pauses to change media members, this option can generate a 515 error. What kind of network hardware and topology are you using? It should be pretty simple to try backing up the Powerbook directly, using a crossover cable, to eliminate the possibility of problems with a router or gateway.



Ah ha! Indeed I am using Link Encryption and it does seem to happen during pauses. I need to keep the link encryption so I will keep the internal DVD and external DVD loaded ... perhaps that will help, but in principle Retrospect should be able to deal with it. My network is a Mac Intel Duo Mini cabled to an airport, and the g4 powerbook connected via airport. If I have to resort to cabling the laptop directly, I will just backup the laptop directy. I do not have another ethernet port to plug into. Hey - I am running the airport in compatibility mode, open with no airport encryption ... do you think it would work better if I force it into extreme mode? There is an occassional g3 user that would be irritated (and perhaps the neighbors).



Sorry, pwilk. I really wasn't trying to be rude. In my initial post I gave the list of information we needed in order to try to help you, AND I gave you a link to the knowledgebase article on this error. Here, again, is my original reply to you: It might help elicit a response if we knew what version of Retrospect you were running, what RDU,
what computer hardware, what backup device
, what OS, etc., etc. That said, a simple search of the KnowledgeBase for "piton protocol violation" returns this article:
. Hope this helps.


We need to know exactly WHICH Macintosh you have. WHICH MINI? PPC or INTEL? This is a network error. Some Macs have problem network hardware. If we had a better idea WHICH MACINTOSH (got it?), we might be able to suggest something.



Sorry about that, I did not quite understand the level of detail you wanted, I did not know they made PPC minis. Its a Mac Intel Mini Duo, connected by ethernet to the airport, the g4 mac client is connect by airport to the network. I have a couple GB of memory in the mini and the g4 is maxed out at 867MB I think. Thanks for the article. Not expecially helpful however since it does not mention which problematic hardware. I think Retrospect Junkie twickland, is on to something. It does seem to be a timeout issue with the media change and I do use link encryption. Watching it carefully, it sometimes comes up with a re-connect dialogue that hangs around for a few minutes before it gives up with a failed backup.



Give us some info, we will try to help. We do feel your pain.



Much appreciated!




- p

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Ah ha! Indeed I am using Link Encryption and it does seem to happen during pauses. I need to keep the link encryption so I will keep the internal DVD and external DVD loaded ... perhaps that will help...


In our case, we found that our OS X clients consistently generated a piton protocol error at tape media member changes, whether or not the next member was available in a second drive. Windows clients would not generate this error, nor would a manual pause during the backup of our OS X clients. Our solution was simply to deselect link encryption.



...but in principle Retrospect should be able to deal with it.


Agreed. I believe this is due to a bug in the OS X client, and have reported it to EMC. If you are able to achieve successful backups with link encryption disabled, I'd encourage you to file a bug report as well. I suspect this problem is not affecting many users, and so is not a priority for EMC to fix.

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I believe this is due to a bug in the OS X client, and have reported it to EMC. If you are able to achieve successful backups with link encryption disabled, I'd encourage you to file a bug report as well.



I reported it as unexpected behavior to EMC and an engineer for EMC Insignia got back to me. He told me was able to reproduce this behavior and thanked me for bringing it to their attention.


I am hoping for a quick resolution. It is about time for a Mac release anyway ...

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