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How recover entire folder with HD in one step?


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I am able to restore new/updated files from each nights backup. What we need to do is restore the entire folder as of two days ago. The interface is so simplified that I don't see a way to do this. Is there a work around or hidden menu? This has been running for over a year with files added almost every day so restoring each backup will be very time consuming. Isn't there a way to bring in the folder as of yesterday?



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I've done more research and concluded that there isn't a way with HD to restore a deleted folder to its state yesterday except by restoring all restore points in sequence. My only possible hope is to install the network version of retrospect 6 that comes on the disk bundled with the maxtor onetouch and see if it can read the restore points created by HD.

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When restoring in HD, select the restore point for the day you want to restore from, then on the next screen you should be able to place a check in the box next to the folder you backed up. This should restore the entire contents of that folder as they existed on that particular day. What happens when you try to do this?


6.0.222 won't be able to read data from HD, you would need to use 7.5.

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