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Windows XP Prof crashes - Symantec says is conflict


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I have been experiencing crashes when backing up with Retrospect The stop message and Dell crash analyzer both point to a Symantec (Norton System Works 2006) file. Symantec tech support says there is a conflict between the softwares. Has anyone experienced this and figured out how to fix it? Thanks for help. ABKD frown.gif

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There have been a few reports of conflicts between Retrospect and Symantec products:






You can try disabling/uninstalling the Symantech software to confirm whether that is indeed the problem.

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Thank you. I was told by Symantec to turn off protection for Symantec product using the options button and general tab. This has seemed to work so far. We shall see, but I am uncertain what this turns off. The Symantec status window says status is good??? If so, why protect it??? crazy.gif

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