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I ran a Disaster Recovery (DR) procedure on my Retrospect server. I then tried to recover to a different server (same hardware) using the created .iso image that I burned to CD. Each time windows is about to start I get the following BSOD:


Stop Code: 0x0000006


I have re-run DR from my Retrospect server and created a new .iso and new CD. I get the same results.


Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance.

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You are restoring to a different server. I suspect that is part of the problem. Just because it is "same hardware", does not mean it is identical hardware.


Disks with the same number of partitions? Identical boot.ini?

Same video card? Same driver versions?

Same hard disk controller? Same firmware versions? Same drivers?

Optical drive? Same model, firmware and drivers?

BIOS? Same........

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Thanks for the input. I have been able to progress a bit further. I recreated the .iso image from within Retrospect and the image in now "working," sort of. I have gotten passed the BSOD that I was encountering as I think I had a bad initial .iso image.


The issue now is that the .iso image that I created doesn't seem to have the RAID driver files. I have created a .iso DR image from Retrospect and am now trying to restore the image to the same system. I just deleted my RAID config and recreated the RAID from bios and booted to the DR disc. I get all the way to the Windows Server 2003 install and am then asked for the RAID controller driver files. I woul have thought these files would be part of the .iso image since they were present and functional when the image was created.


Thanks in advance.

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From the Read Me document:


Disaster Recovery


Some third-party drivers not installed: During disaster recovery of a local or client Windows computer, Retrospect automatically installs most third-party drivers required to communicate with the backup device, hard disk, and over the network. However, some drivers cannot be installed automatically. In this case, you will have to install the drivers manually during the temporary operating system setup (as in the case of some RAID drivers) or exit the Disaster Recovery Wizard to use the Windows Hardware Wizard or Hardware Manager (as in the case of some Network Interface Card drivers).

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