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Windows retro client crash since 12/21/04


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After working properly for several months, suddenly the retro 5.1 client is crashing on all seven (7) of our WinXP (SP1 without SP2) workstations.




When the client fails I get an app error that says: retroclient.exe --- A breakpoint has been reached (0x80000003) in the app at location 0x77f75a58. This is very consistent across all of the workstations.




No new maintenance was applied, no changes were made. Sometimes the client starts OK after a reboot but crashes as soon as the retro server checks it (using client config dialogue refresh button). Other times the client crashes during boot up of the workstation. Reinstalling the client does not seem to help.




Don't ask why I'm using 5.15 (tape device support issues), but please tell me what to do to correct this problem. I'm guessing that it is something that is date related, but I don't know why.

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Client 5.1 For windows started crashing at about the 20th of December. Complete removal, rebooting, and reinstallation works but I wouldn't mind Dantz/EMC losing the "nothing without a fee paid" attitude and coming up with a workaround. I've got 200 computers to perform this little trick on. Must have been a recent windows update--something affecting ntdll.dll, and I'm pretty sure it's not SP2.

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Thanks for the tip about complete removal and reinstallation. I did that and things are back to normal again. It was surprising to me that a "Repair" does NOT accomplish the same thing, but it does not. Having to re-load the exclude list on each client was a bummer, but better than nothing.


I agree that Dantz's attitude about support is poor. But then they do seem to have a corner on the market.


Thanks again,


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  • 2 weeks later...



If it is true that Microsoft maintenance caused this problem, how could that corrupt a Retrospect data file? It seems to me that such maintenance would affect some program module that Retro depends on, in which case it seems that the Repair option would correct the problem.


In any case, a Retro client uninstall / reboot / reinstall / reconfigure is required to get things working again. That is a lot of work for folks with a lot of Retro clients installed.




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My apologies for not being more clear about this.




Retrospect 6.0 and above:


In Windows XP/2000/2003 uninstalling Retrospect _does not_ delete the Retrospect settings files (i.e. clients, scripts, selectors, settings etc). An uninstall/reinstall is completely safe and will not require you to set up everything from scratch.




If you would like to make an extra copy just in case the settings files are in:


c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Retrospect\configxx.dat and configxx.bak




Retrospect 5.x


The settings files are configxx.dat and configxx.bak. They are stored in the Retrospect program folder and will be deleted when uninstalling Retrospect.


To avoid this make an extra copy of these files before you do an uninstall/reinstall of the program. After the reinstall move them back to thier original location to continue using all of your scripts/clients/settinges etc.





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I am running Retro Client 5.1 on WinXP Pro SP1.


The computer is a client of and is logged on to a WindowsNT 4 domain.




I looked in the C:\Program Files\Dantz\Client directory but there is no configxx.dat file. There is one file in this directory, pcpds.DLL, which has a current "Date Modified" so maybe that is it?




There is a directory...




"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect Client"




which is similar to the path you gave in the previous message.


However, this directory contains only 1 file called "retroclient.log".


There is no configxx.dat file.




In fact, I searched the entire C: drive for config??.dat and nothing was found.




So where does the 5.1 client store it's configuration data? Specifically, where is the list of items to be excluded from the backup? That is what I need to recreate.







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Retrospect 5.1 came out quite a while before XP. I wouldn't be suprised if there are some incompatibilities.


The configxx files only exist on the backup server. The client doesn't have any.


I think (once again) I've managed to completely miss what you were saying. doh.gif


I don't think you can recover the file selections you made on the client side without restoring the entire client application folder. Unfortunately that may not work either.


Selectors (file filters) that are created on the server side are stored in the configxx files.



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Retrospect 5.1 works very reliably with Windows XP. At least it had up until the mystery problem which requires it to be reinstalled.




I did some searching and I finally found where the 5.1 client stores it's excluded file names... C:\Windows\RETCLIENT.DAT




I wonder if it is OK to copy this file from one client machine to another? That would take care of my problem quite nicely.







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I suspect the backup will appear to work fine. A full system restore of the XP machine might not. There are registry components in Windows XP that Retrospect 5.1 is likely not aware of. Data backup should be OK but watch out for system restores.


You could try copying the file over. You may have to copy the entire Retrospect client program folder as well.



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