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Can't read from 2nd member of a tapeset


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Hello I am new to this forum and finding my way around.

Running version5.11 on Win2000. Backing up to VXA-Tape.

I recently did a 2 tape member backup of 112gb (each tape holds 66gb approx compressed)

After the first tape was filled I switched off verification for the 2nd tape and completed the backup. The hard drive has just failed and I tried restoring from backup. The first tape restored ok 61.4gb. The second tape was asked for and inserted but then an error message -212 came back. Tape erased. When I check under the 'Members' tab in the properties of the backup set it tells me that there is 51.5gb on the 2nd tape. How can I get to this data. The tape is fine. I've tried recatologing but the log shows error:

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64374464)


Can anyone help?


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Hi Nate


What does Retrospect show as the name for the second tape? :

2-Rescue Wasatch Drive

The name of the 1st is shown as:

1-Rescue Wasatch Drive.


If I report 1st tape as missing and try and recatolog from the 2nd tape I get the following log messages:



+ Executing Recatalog at 22/09/2004 04:04

To backup set Rescue Wasatch Drive...

Reported missing by user: "1-Rescue Wasatch Drive"

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64374464)

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64565184)

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64565696)

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64565760)

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64566272)

Backup set format inconsistency (4 at 64611840)

22/09/2004 04:10:47: 7 execution errors

Completed: 59 files, 233.9 MB

Performance: 147.7 MB/minute

Duration: 00:06:27 (00:04:52 idle/loading/preparing)


Thanks for your help.

ps Is there any kind of software to read the raw data on the tape?

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The problem is with the raw data on the tape. Retrospect can't read it for some reason so you are getting the backup set format inconsistency.


According to the log Retrospect was able to read 233.9 MB before it ran into the bad data/damage section on the tape. It looks like Retrospect and the tape drive are running properly. The tape appears to be damaged.


Its possible that only one section of the tape is bad or contains scrambled data. You would need to contact a data recovery service to get past those parts of the tape.


Sorry for the bad news


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