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AutoLoader won't eject magazine


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First I'm not certain this is a retrospect issue but I needed to start somewhere.


I've got a seagate DSS-4 240 Autoloader. I shows up as a Archive Python 06241-XXX. My backup runs fine. My issue is I can't eject the tape magazine from inside retrospect, it's version 5.6 for server. The most the tape unit will do is move the tape from in the drive back to the magazine but then nothing else happens. I can eject the magazine from the front panel but if I do this I'll have to restart the server before the next tape magazine will be recognized as being in the drive. I have checked the device manager and the autoloader is disable along with the media changer. What could be the problem? I ran the tape drive diagnostics which said everything was ok.(note: I had to turn back on the windows drives for the diagnostic to run).


I've tried NT passthru and ASPI didn't think that was the problem but tried it anyways, no effect.


Here's the set up:

IDE RAID JBOD using Adaptec 1200A controller (3 harddrives)

windows 2000 server sp4

adaptec 2940 Scsi adapter (for the tape unit)

Seagate 240 DSS-4 Autoloader


Any help would be great.

Things I'm still looking into Scsi configuration, termination and tape drive configuration.

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To clarify


I can eject the magazine from the front panel but if I do this I'll have to restart the server before the next tape magazine will be recognized as being in the drive.



You mean Retropect will not see the loader right? Can you move tapes around in the loader using the front panel after you change magazines?


One thing to check is emulation modes on the loader. Native is best.


I assume you are using the latest Driver update for 5.6?



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Actually, the tape magazine shows up with the tapes in it, at least for the first magazine I put in. Retrospect, will allow me to move tapes in and out of the drive, via drag and drop, and will run a complete backup, 3 tapes worth of data.


I can move the tapes via the front panel but would prefer not to.


I thought I had the most uptodate drivers but I'll double check them.


You'll need to explain about Native mode? I've got the choice of 2 hardware IDs either archive python or some other Seagate Dat ID - Archive python is the factory setting.



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So I am a little confused now. If you change magazines but don't reboot does the backup run? Can Retrospect see the tapes?


If you only have 2 settings on the back it is probably in Native mode already. You could try the other setting to see if it works better.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Thank you for your help.

It turns out that the drive did need multiple lun support turned on at the SCSI controller. It will now allow me to change the magazine of tapes. It still won't eject the magazine from the drive, using retrospect, but I can eject the magazine with no problems from the drives front panel, now.


That works for me.



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