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retrospect client dropping offline after dhcp renew

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I have a win NT 4.0 dhcp client machine running the 5.6 retrospect client. When the dhcp client renews its lease the retrospect client does not come back online.


I can repeat the problem by manually releasing and renewing the ip address from the pc.


I have tried re-adding the client using multicast and have even set the bindingaddress in the registry to (the subnet the client is on). no luck on either.


Using a network port tool, I can see that retrospect does not rebind to its tcp port 497 after the renew. the binding to udp 497 on address is still there


any suggestions or solutions?

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You may have better success with a newer version of the Retrospect Client.




If the computer only has a single IP address, you should not need to configure BindListner.




If this computer sleeps between backup, turn off energy saver, that could also cause trouble.




Even if the client is in the same subnet as the server, try configuring it via subnet broadcast (if you have advanced networking).




Do other clients have the same problem?

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the other dhcp clients are on win 2000 laptops, so they get rebooted more frequently and thus do not exhibit this problem with the retrospect client dropping offline.




I have tried manually releasing and renewing the ip addrs and the retrospect client seems to come back online successfully.

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