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Hello Everyone,


We are now experimenting with the Windows XP firewall to protect our machines from a growing number of attacks. However, I have been unable to configure XP to allow the Retrospect 5.6 client to work correctly. Whenever I run the "retfwset.exe" utility or reinstall the Retrospect client software it bombs and politely sends an error report to Microsoft. All the machines are running Windows XP SP1 with all patches in place. Is there an updated "retfwset.exe" utility available? How about instructions how to manually configure the firewall to work?


Thank you,



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We haven't seen any issues with the RETFWSET.EXE utility. It's only function is to add an entry to your Firewall Settings that Retrospect is allowed on Port 497. Are you seeing this on one client or many?


You can manually configure the settings on the client by opening XP's firewall settings and adding two entries:



Description: Retrospect Client

External port: 497

Internal port: 497




Description: Retrospect Client (UDP)

External port: 497

Internal port: 497



Nothing needs to be entered in the Name/IP address both for either.

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I'm seeing this behavior on the two machines I've tested so far. One machine was brand new, the other has been used for a while. Both where running XP SP1 + all security updates. I'll test it again soon and post a copy of the crash log if that is helpful.


Thanks for the reply...



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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...


I'm having a similar problem with Win XP SP1 clients running the 5.6.112 client software. 'Test' will find them OK, but they never appear in the 'Add' list.


This seems to have come about after applying recent Microsoft security updates for Win XP.

The problem only seems to be in rediscovering the client in the 'Add' dialog. An XP client that

was being backed up OK before the security patches is still being backed up, even though the

'Add' dialog is no longer discovering it.


Norton Internet Security is disabled, Win XP firewall is disabled. I've tried running the 'retfw....exe' utility, but that didn't help. The firewall is disabled anyway (we're already behind a firewall router).


My server runs V5.6.132 on Win2K and is successfully finding other Win2K clients with the latest Win2K patches.


Any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I tried uninstalling and reinstalling all the network drivers I could uninstall.


Which driver did you mean in particular? Just the NIC driver?


I remember under NT you could uninstall networking completely, but there doesn't seem to be such an option under XP.


Anyway, nothing I've tried has worked. It's just on the last two machines (our 9th and 10th machines) on which I installed the client that I'm having trouble. Both of those happen to be up-to-date WinXP machines. One has a Broadcomm NIC and the other has a 3Com.


On another up-to-date XP machine with a Broadcomm 440, it's working OK, although it stopped working on that machine for at least one day.



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Uninstalling just the driver should do it. Uninstalling networking completely is not an option.


Do you have multiple NICs on these machines? Do they use VPN software? Try binding the client to a specific network card by running c:\program files\dantz\client\retroclient -ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx




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