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Assert.exe Error


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I am using Retrospect 5.6, and I keep getting the error "assert.exe - Application error, The application failed to initialize properly (0x0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application." The job was backing up 85 client computers. I divided the backup into three different backup jobs and now the third backup job always gives me the error. The third backup always gets through 25 of the clients and then it always bombs on the last 10 clients, but never on the same client. Also, before I divided the backup into three parts, it would bomb on the same last 10 clients too.


I have deleted all 10 of the clients and recreated them. I have created a new backup catalog. I searched your web site, and read an article that said it could be my hard drives are failing, but I have update to the newest drivers for my hard drives. I had a technician from Dell come and test the drives and he found nothing wrong with them. Also, the drives are RAID-5 drives, so if one of the drives were failing, there is a backup drive that would start to work automatically. I DON'T BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH MY HARD DRIVES.


Please advise me on what is causing this error and how can I fix it. I am getting a lot of pressure from my boss and users.

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I have done everything the article suggested and I still get the error. I find a couple of things interesting.


• The first two jobs run fine, but the third one always gets the error. And the error is always on the last seven clients. There are a total of twenty five clients in this job.

• On the catalog name which gets the error. There is a second file created. Group C[001].rbf and Group C[001].rbf.rfc. None of my other catalog files have a .rbf.rfc ending.


Do you think reinstalling Retrospect help? Will I have to re-setup all the clients if I reinstall?


I don't think it is in the way my computer is setup, because the other backup jobs are running fine. I am getting a lot of pressure from my boss. I need a fix for this error.

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Try creating a new backup set and backing up only these 7 computers - do you see the same errors on each of these machines?


If so, what do they have in common? Same NIC make/model in each machine? On the same hub? Router?


If the problems are consistently happening only on particular clients, the key is to troubleshoot what is different about those machines.


As a test, install the application on a different computer and see if backing up these same clients produces the same results.

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You don't understand. I have been constantly getting this error on one of the seven computers. When I get the error, Retrospect stops running, and I have to re-boot the server. So it is impossible to get the error on more then one computer at a time. I'm running a backup of just these seven machines tonight to see what will happen. I will let you know how it goes.


As far as troubleshooting this problem, NIC make/model in each machine, on the same hub, Router. There is nothing that makes these computers different from the other eighty. You have to troubleshoot your product a little better for me. To say something MAY be wrong on the network, or server, or workstations, and I need to find it, is not supporting your product. You have to know what can causing ASSERT.EXE to abort like this. Is Retrospect receiving bad data? Which would mean a NIC, hub or router, but why would Retrospect be receiving bad data and no other programs on network are giving bad data errors? Is Retrospect having a hard time writing to the hard drive? Which would mean that there is a problem with the way Retrospect interacts with the hard drive, because no other program on the server have is having a problem. Is Retrospect running out of memory? Which means the server needs more memory, or Retrospect isn't release them memory correctly. I need you to guild me in the right direction.


Is their any way we can take this issue to the next level of support? I am willing to call you directly or whatever it takes to get this fixed.

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What is the exact assert error displayed in assert_log.utx?


Also, these errors are somtimes fixed with newer versions of Retrospect. You could download the trial to version 6.0 to see if that fixes the problem.


1) Have you trashed to config5.dat and .bak files?

2) Have you tried more then one backup set?

3) Have you tried backing up these client from a different server (retrospect installed on a different computer) to see if the problem follows to the other backup computer?

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Thank you for the reply.


1. I haven't trashed the config5.dat and .bak files yet. But if re-setting up all the users might fix this problem, I will do it.


2. I have broken the backup set into smaller parts. The smaller sets fixed the problem for a while, but now I am getting the error again. I currently have 85 cleints divided evenly into three backup sets.


3. I can't put Retrospect on a different server. The backups take about 25 gigs and my other server doesn't have that much space to spair.


I did look at the assert_log.utx like you suggested. It had a lot of information in it that didn't make since to me. I can email it to you if you want because it doesn't paste into here well. But anyways it is pasted at the bottom of this email. After looking at it let me know if you have any suggestions. If deleting the config5.dat & bak is the solution, I am willing to do it.



OS: Windows 2000 version 5.0 (build 2195), Service Pack 3

Application: C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\Retrospect.exe, version 5.6.132

Exception occurred on 2/27/2003 at 4:25:26 AM

Error info: Assertion failure at "msg.cpp-695"


Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION

Fault address: 77EAB2F0 0001:0002A2F0 KERNEL32.dll



Thread ID: 000067C4, Name: driver_thread


EAX:187DF8A4 CS:001B EIP:77EAB2F0 EFlags:00000206

EBX:015867F8 SS:0023 ESP:187DF89C EBP: 187DF8F4

ECX:00000000 DS:0023 ESI:187DF934 FS: 003B

EDX:60071BE0 ES:0023 EDI:187DF8C4 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0002A2F0 E06D7363 1 3 187DF928 6070FA91 015867F8 E06D7363 1

msvcrt.dll 0001:0000A78D 0 0 6070FA91 015867F8 015867F8 60071BD0 187DF944 187DF4E4

bedrock.dll DebugHandler::Throw +53 E0000000 1 1 187DF998 187DFA98 60043E60 E0000000 1

bedrock.dll assertLog +1B E0000000 1 187DF998 'essA' 'oitr' 'af n' 'ruli' 'ta e'

bedrock.dll Debug +59 6063B094 000002B7 4 187DFAB8 187DFAB8 11436ABC 00000012 0

meson.dll TThread::timerOpen +FC 11436ABC 187DFF80 6062BF43 6070FA91 015867F8 8042DAF3 8042DAA4 80064BD4

meson.dll TThread::msgInit +21 6070FA91 015867F8 8042DAF3 8042DAA4 80064BD4 001AF85C 14EA79EC 14EA57D8

meson.dll modThreadRoot +BD 14EA54AC 6070FA91 112BCFAC 015867F8 855D0420 187DFF8C -1 187DFFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 015867F8 6070FA91 112BCFAC 015867F8 7FFAC000 14EA52D0 187DFFC0 14EA52D0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000067C0, Name: devScanThread


EAX:186DF4D0 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:01586B60 SS:0023 ESP:186DEEFC EBP: 186DEF14

ECX:186DF498 DS:0023 ESI:186DEF60 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:186DEFC8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 186DEF60 0 0 0 114CF864 186DEF98 6060ED3F 186DEF60

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 186DEF60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 114CF864 1 186DF518 186DFA10 01586B60 0 0 114CF864

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 186DF498 186DF498 60609D09 186DF4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 114CF864 'Msg ' 6060EADB 114CF864 1 186DF518 186DFA10 01586B60

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 186DF9B0 60629972 114CF864 0 0 14EA79FC 186DFED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 114CF864 0 0 14EA79FC 186DFED0 6063084C 0 186DFA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 186DF9E8 186DF9E8 03141034 186DFA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 114CF864 'LopT' 6060FA5A 114CF864 0 0 14EA79FC 186DFED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0313A19C 186DFEDC 60629972 00189CE4 0 1 023161F4

DEVICES.DLL devScanThread +51 00189CE4 0 1 023161F4 14EA7B08 14EA7B08 0000000D 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 6013568C 0 0 186DFF14 186DFF14 186DFFA4 186DFF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 114CF864 'Task' 6013568C 00189CE4 0 1 023161F4 14EA7B08

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 14EA7A2C 77F838E5 00130000 01586B60 855D0420 186DFF8C -1 186DFFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 01586B60 77F838E5 00130000 01586B60 7FFAD000 14EA7438 186DFFC0 14EA7438

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000067BC, Name: Encryption handler


EAX:78006073 CS:001B EIP:77F839EB EFlags:00000246

EBX:00000000 SS:0023 ESP:185DF520 EBP: 185DF590

ECX:00450020 DS:0023 ESI:00000000 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:00006CC0 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

ntdll.dll 0001:000029EB 00006CC0 185DFA00 00000008 185DF9DC 0 00000008 0 0

pcvldrvr.dll fencDoPipeRead +77 01586DD0 00006CC0 185DFA00 00000008 185DF9DC 1 0 185DF9EC

pcvldrvr.dll fencReadCmd +1F 01586DD0 00006CC0 185DFA00 0 01586DD0 0 0017C38C 0017CCCC

pcvldrvr.dll fileEncryptionHandler +36 01586DD0 0 00000012 0 0 0 0 14EA7D34

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 'cPE]' 0 0 185DFF14 185DFF14 185DFFA4 185DFF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 03153C24 'Task' 'cPE]' 01586DD0 0 00000012 0 0

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 14EA7C50 0 0 0158F088 855D0420 185DFF8C -1 185DFFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 0158F088 0 0 0158F088 7FFAF000 00450020 185DFFC0 00450020

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 00004FC0, Name: Execution thread


EAX:114C0D38 CS:001B EIP:77F83197 EFlags:00000206

EBX:01586770 SS:0023 ESP:14EA5200 EBP: 14EA521C

ECX:0314D00C DS:0023 ESI:77F8318C FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:14EA5214 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

ntdll.dll 0001:00002197 0 0 60043D77 0 14EA54C8 6062C1D3 0 11436ABC

KERNEL32.dll 0001:00028D5F 0 11436ABC 0 0 0 11436ABC 11436ABC 0

meson.dll modNewThread +18E 00002000 14EA55B4 60132CFC 14EA5570 14EA5570 0 14EA57E8 60132CC7

meson.dll ReleaseAndCall +25F 6062C045 00002000 14EA55B4 60132CFC 14EA5570 14EA5570 0 14EA57E8

meson.dll Fork +26 00002000 14EA55B4 60132CFC 001AF85C 14EA79EC 14EA57D8 0236177C 14EA6A34

DEVICES.DLL devNewMod +C1 001AF85C 14EA79EC 0236177C 14EA6A34 1 63514FA5 14EA58DC 14EA5B30

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 001AF85C 'NewM' 14EA79EC 0236177C 14EA6A34 1 63514FA5 14EA58DC

DEVICES.DLL runDoRequest +18F 0B2647A4 022DEC38 022DEC3C 0236177C 022DEC0C 023617BC 1 0B2647A4

meson.dll doTask +219 'reqt' 60184CA7 0 0 14EA7F14 14EA7F14 0B07F224 14EA7F38

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 029D645C 'reqt' 60184CA7 0B2647A4 022DEC38 022DEC3C 0236177C 022DEC0C

DEVICES.DLL runRequest +7C 001B9614 0236177C 022DEC38 022DEC3C 022DEC0C 'RTPf' 023617BC 1

DEVICES.DLL RunRequest +47 0236177C 022DEC38 022DEC3C 022DEC0C 'RTPf' 023617BC 001B0001 0

storsets.dll arcDevLogin +6F 0236177C 022DEC0C 022DEC38 022DEC3C 1 0 003A0043 0050005C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0236177C 'RDLi' 022DEC0C 022DEC38 022DEC3C 1 0 003A0043

enginelo.dll rexRequest +4B3 022DEC0C 6F5AF69A 0 0B263770 0B2637D4 0B2637DC 60039C2C 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 022DEC0C 'ArRq' 6F5AF69A 0 0B263770 0B2637D4 0B2637DC 60039C2C

enginelo.dll xrdSetPos +A7 0B263744 6F5AF69A 0 000001AF 004357DF 14EA9C98 0B26484C 0B0B54FC

enginelo.dll xrdCopyFork +FA 0B263744 14EAA570 006C0069 00730065 0044005C 006E0061 007A0074 0052005C

enginelo.dll xrdExec +45D 0B263744 022DEC24 14EAA77C 60609A18 022DEC0C 14EAB0F4 14EAB0F4 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0B263744 'Arex' 022DEC24 14EAA77C 60609A18 022DEC0C 14EAB0F4 14EAB0F4

enginelo.dll rexGo +30 022DEC0C 14EAB0F4 14EAB0F4 0 0 14EAACAC 606118B2 0B66100C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 022DEC0C 'rtxg' 14EAB0F4 14EAB0F4 0 0 14EAACAC 606118B2

meson.dll doTask +28E 'Eng1' 0 022DEC0C 'rtxg' 14EAAC88 14EAAC88 14EAB338 14EAB338

meson.dll TThread::TaskSend +23 029D645C 'Eng1' 022DEC0C 'rtxg' 14EAB0F4 14EAB0F4 0 0

enginelo.dll rexTask +42F 022DEC0C 14EAB9D8 001C4A94 60609A18 14EAB9B8 60609A18 001C4A7C 14EAB9D8

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 022DEC0C 'rtxt' 14EAB9D8 001C4A94 60609A18 14EAB9B8 60609A18 001C4A7C

meson.dll doTask +28E 'EnOp' 0 022DEC0C 'rtxt' 14EAB8F8 14EAB8F8 029D645C 14EAB904

meson.dll TThread::TaskSend +23 029D645C 'EnOp' 022DEC0C 'rtxt' 14EAB9D8 001C4A94 60609A18 14EAB9B8

enginelo.dll rexEngineBlock +63 001C4A7C 14EAB9D8 606045D7 0 112035E4 02AFC3D4 0 0236177C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 001C4A7C 'EnBk' 14EAB9D8 606045D7 0 112035E4 02AFC3D4 022DEC0C

ENGINEHI.DLL extoDoVerifyStateFolder +1A0 02AFC3D4 14EAD54C 14EACE4C 14EAD548 14EAE0A4 14EAE0F0 14EAE1A8 14EAC350

ENGINEHI.DLL extoBegin +D18 02AFC3D4 02AFC3EC 0 14EAEB4C 60629972 02AFC3D4 0 02AFC3EC

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 02AFC3D4 'ExBg' 02AFC3EC 0 14EAEB4C 60629972 02AFC3D4 0

meson.dll doTask +28E 'ExOp' 0 02AFC3D4 'ExBg' 14EAE67C 14EAE67C 0 14EAE684

meson.dll TThread::TaskSend +23 029D645C 'ExOp' 02AFC3D4 'ExBg' 02AFC3EC 0 14EAEB4C 60629972

ENGINEHI.DLL execDoRun +1EE 02AFC3D4 0 02AFC3EC -1 14EAEC48 60609A18 02AFC3D4 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'EScr' 60225319 0 0 14EAEB84 14EAEB84 0255AD3F 14EAEB94

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 029D645C 'EScr' 60225319 02AFC3D4 0 02AFC3EC -1 14EAEC48

ENGINEHI.DLL execRun +33 02AFC3D4 0 10E4C014 02AFC3D4 022E0E90 023161DC 022E04BC 0262C968

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 02AFC3D4 'ExRu' 0 10E4C014 02AFC3D4 022E0E90 023161DC 022E04BC

meson.dll TMesonMsg::Do +89 00000010 0 0 029D645C 0 14EAECC8 0065004E 00200077

meson.dll TThread::mesonDoOne +149 0 029D645C 14EAEF98 6060EB08 0065004E 00200077 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonQFlush +4A 0065004E 00200077 0 0 00200061 00610062 14EAF240 0

meson.dll msgHelper +2D 029D645C 1 14EAF518 14EAFA10 01586770 00000101 0 029D645C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 14EAF498 14EAF498 1 14EAF4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 029D645C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 029D645C 1 14EAF518 14EAFA10 01586770

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 14EAF9B0 60629972 029D645C 0 0 0262C4E4 14EAFED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 029D645C 0 0 0262C4E4 14EAFED0 6063084C 0 14EAFA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 14EAF9E8 14EAF9E8 6063165E 14EAFA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 029D645C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 029D645C 0 0 0262C4E4 14EAFED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 02AFC3D4 14EAFEDC 60629972 001FF91C 0153DA0C 00003E8A 000034AA

ENGINEHI.DLL execMakeThreadProc +63 001FF91C 0153DA0C 00003E8A 000034AA 0262C5F0 0262C5F0 00000010 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 60222B86 0 0 14EAFF14 14EAFF14 14EAFFA4 14EAFF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 029D645C 'Task' 60222B86 001FF91C 0153DA0C 00003E8A 000034AA 0262C5F0

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0262C514 022EB35C 1 01586770 855D0420 14EAFF8C -1 14EAFFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 01586770 022EB35C 1 01586770 7FFD5000 00000113 14EAFFC0 00000113

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 0000018C, Name: Backup server thread


EAX:001321C8 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:015866E8 SS:0023 ESP:0262CD3C EBP: 0262CD54

ECX:022DE8E8 DS:0023 ESI:0262CDA0 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0262CE08 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0262CDA0 0 0 0 022EB35C 0262CDD8 6060ED3F 0262CDA0

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0262CDA0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 022EB35C 1 0262E0EC 0262E1A4 015866E8 -1 60039DBF 022EB35C

meson.dll doTask +219 'MsgR' 6060EADB 0 0 0262D2D8 0262D2D8 1 0262D31C

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 022EB35C 'MsgR' 6060EADB 022EB35C 1 0262E0EC 0262E1A4 015866E8

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'MsgR' 0262E0EC 0262E1A4 015866E8 022E04A4 0014343C 0 022EB35C

meson.dll TSynch::Block +86 0 0 0262D5D4 0262D5D4 0262D7F8 0262D7F8 0262DA1C 0262DA1C

ENGINEHI.DLL extgBegin +37F 022E04A4 022E04BC 0 0262EB48 60629972 022E04A4 0014B08C 022E04BC

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 022E04A4 'ExBg' 022E04BC 0 0262EB48 60629972 022E04A4 0014B08C

meson.dll doTask +28E 'ExOp' 0 022E04A4 'ExBg' 0262E678 0262E678 6022F321 0262E680

meson.dll TThread::TaskSend +23 022EB35C 'ExOp' 022E04A4 'ExBg' 022E04BC 0 0262EB48 60629972

ENGINEHI.DLL execDoRun +1EE 022E04A4 0014B08C 022E04BC 0 0262EC44 60609A18 022E04A4 0014B08C

meson.dll doTask +219 'EScr' 60225319 0 0 0262EB80 0262EB80 0 0262EB90

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 022EB35C 'EScr' 60225319 022E04A4 0014B08C 022E04BC 0 0262EC44

ENGINEHI.DLL execRun +33 022E04A4 0014B08C 022E04A4 0014B14C 0 0248DDFC 60609A18 0014B08C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 022E04A4 'ExRu' 0014B08C 022E04A4 0014B14C 0 0248DDFC 60609A18

meson.dll TMesonMsg::Do +89 0 0 0 022EB35C 0 0 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonDoOne +149 0 022EB35C 0262EF94 6060EB08 0 0 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonQFlush +4A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0262F23C 0

meson.dll msgHelper +2D 022EB35C 1 0262F514 0262FA0C 015866E8 61B0CFB8 1 022EB35C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0262F494 0262F494 1 0262F4D8

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 022EB35C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 022EB35C 1 0262F514 0262FA0C 015866E8

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0262F9AC 60629972 022EB35C 0 0 0248D92C 0262FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 022EB35C 0 0 0248D92C 0262FED0 6063084C 0 0262FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0262F9E4 0262F9E4 0 0262FA00

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 022EB35C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 022EB35C 0 0 0248D92C 0262FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 022E04A4 022E04BC 0262FEDC 60629972 001FDD6C 0153DA0C 0

ENGINEHI.DLL extgMakeThreadProc +87 001FDD6C 0153DA0C 0 0 0248DA38 0248DA38 00000014 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 6021C9D5 0 0 0262FF14 0262FF14 0262FFA4 0262FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 022EB35C 'Task' 6021C9D5 001FDD6C 0153DA0C 0 0 0248DA38

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0248D95C 00000026 00000057 015866E8 855D0420 0262FF8C -1 0262FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 015866E8 00000026 00000057 015866E8 7FFDC000 00000019 0262FFC0 00000019

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000006AC, Name: RetroFrameThread


EAX:0248D034 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:01586550 SS:0023 ESP:0248EEFC EBP: 0248EF14

ECX:029A47D4 DS:0023 ESI:0248EF60 FS: 003B

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0248EFC8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0248EF60 0 0 0 021CBBC4 0248EF98 6060ED3F 0248EF60

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0248EF60 0 0 0 1144A9B4 1144A9B4 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 021CBBC4 1 0248F518 0248FA10 01586550 0 0 021CBBC4

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0248F498 0248F498 1 0248F4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 021CBBC4 'Msg ' 6060EADB 021CBBC4 1 0248F518 0248FA10 01586550

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0248F9B0 60629972 021CBBC4 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 021CBBC4 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0 6063084C 0 0248FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0248F9E8 0248F9E8 00000204 0248FA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 021CBBC4 'LopT' 6060FA5A 021CBBC4 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 021DA19C 0248FEDC 60629972 015265EC 0012E4F8 0153DA0C 0012E2D4

UIPROD.DLL rfThread +CB 015265EC 0012E4F8 0153DA0C 0012E2D4 0012E2D4 0 00000010 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 619407AA 0 0 0248FF14 0248FF14 0248FFA4 0248FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 021CBBC4 'Task' 619407AA 015265EC 0012E4F8 0153DA0C 0012E2D4 0012E2D4

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012E1FC 0012DCC0 0 01586550 855D0420 0248FF8C -1 0248FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 01586550 0012DCC0 0 01586550 7FFD6000 0012E584 0248FFC0 0012E584

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000006C4, Name: Volume tracker thread


EAX:00000001 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:0074EAC8 SS:0023 ESP:0218EF00 EBP: 0218EF18

ECX:01568B04 DS:0023 ESI:0218EF64 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0218EFCC GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0218EF64 0 0 0 01568B04 0218EF9C 6060ED3F 0218EF64

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0218EF64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 01568B04 1 0218F51C 0218FA14 0074EAC8 0 0 01568B04

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0218F49C 0218F49C 1 0218F4E0

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 01568B04 'Msg ' 6060EADB 01568B04 1 0218F51C 0218FA14 0074EAC8

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0218F9B4 60629972 01568B04 0 0 0188BF40 0218FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 01568B04 0 0 0188BF40 0218FED0 6063084C 0 0218FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0218F9EC 0218F9EC 000001C8 0218FA08

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 01568B04 'LopT' 6060FA5A 01568B04 0 0 0188BF40 0218FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0218FEDC 60629972 0188C044 0188C044 01568AE4 01567D8C 00000015

pcvol.dll vtloVolTrakThread +3A 0188C044 0188C044 01568AE4 01567D8C 00000015 0 00000040 01470000

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 6093A2BB 0 0 0218FF14 0218FF14 0218FFA4 0218FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 01568B04 'Task' 6093A2BB 0188C044 0188C044 01568AE4 01567D8C 00000015

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0188BF70 00380037 00340039 0074EAC8 855D0420 0218FF8C -1 0218FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 0074EAC8 00380037 00340039 0074EAC8 7FFD7000 00350034 0218FFC0 00350034

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8 78006073 0074EAC8 0 00000008 00000102 FFEEFFEE 0 00130000



Thread ID: 0000039C, Name: Controller thread


EAX:00000000 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:0074EA40 SS:0023 ESP:0188ECCC EBP: 0188ECE4

ECX:01495228 DS:0023 ESI:0188ED30 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0188ED98 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0188ED30 0 0 0 0152E53C 0188ED68 6060ED3F 0188ED30

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0188ED30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0152E53C 1 0188F2E8 0188F7E0 0074EA40 0 0 0152E53C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0188F268 0188F268 1 0188F2AC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0152E53C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0152E53C 1 0188F2E8 0188F7E0 0074EA40

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0188F780 60629972 0152E53C 0 0 0012E21C 0188FA08

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0152E53C 0 0 0012E21C 0188FA08 6063084C 0 0188FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0188F7B8 0188F7B8 00000198 0188F7D4

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0152E53C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0152E53C 0 0 0012E21C 0188FA08

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0000000C 0 000000A8 000004E4 0 0188F7F8 006F0063

Retrospect.exe controllerThread +2D5 0014C6D4 0012EF24 0012E320 0012E320 00000011 0 0000000C 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 611061AA 0 0 0188FF14 0188FF14 0188FFA4 0188FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0152E53C 'Task' 611061AA 0014C6D4 0012EF24 0012E320 0012E320 00000011

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012E24C 0012E310 0 0074EA40 855D0420 0188FF8C -1 0188FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 0074EA40 0012E310 0 0074EA40 7FFD8000 0012E0D0 0188FFC0 0012E0D0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000006C8, Name: Quit handler thread


EAX:0146E83C CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:00745FB8 SS:0023 ESP:0146E854 EBP: 0146E86C

ECX:0146E83C DS:0023 ESI:0146E8B8 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0146E920 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0146E8B8 0 0 0 00197674 0146E8F0 6060ED3F 0146E8B8

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0146E8B8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 00197674 1 0146EE70 0146F368 00745FB8 0 0 00197674

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0146EDF0 0146EDF0 1 0146EE34

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 00197674 'Msg ' 6060EADB 00197674 1 0146EE70 0146F368 00745FB8

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0146F308 60629972 00197674 0 0 0012EEC8 0146FA08

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 00197674 0 0 0012EEC8 0146FA08 6063084C 0 0146FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0146F340 0146F340 0 0146F35C

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 00197674 'LopT' 6060FA5A 00197674 0 0 0012EEC8 0146FA08

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0146F374 0146F374 0 00000011 0 0 0

meson.dll QuitWindowStart +165 0012EFCC 0012EFCC 0012F1F0 0012F1F0 00000013 0 4 77F8320B

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' '`a

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 00197674 'Task' '`a

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012EEF8 00130178 0017E478 00745FB8 855D0420 0146FF8C -1 0146FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 00745FB8 00130178 0017E478 00745FB8 7FFDA000 0014E168 0146FFC0 0014E168

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8 78006073 00745FB8 0 00000008 00000101 FFEEFFEE 0 00130000



Thread ID: 000005F8, Name: Server thread


EAX:D8610990 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:00745F30 SS:0023 ESP:0136EEFC EBP: 0136EF14

ECX:00000010 DS:0023 ESI:0136EF60 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0136EFC8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:0004705F 0136EF60 0 0 0 0018A834 0136EF98 6060ED3F 0136EF60

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0136EF60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0018A834 1 0136F518 0136FA10 00745F30 0 0 0018A834

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0136F498 0136F498 1 0136F4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0018A834 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0018A834 1 0136F518 0136FA10 00745F30

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0136F9B0 60629972 0018A834 0 0 0012EEC8 0136FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0018A834 0 0 0012EEC8 0136FED0 6063084C 0 0136FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0

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This is an unusual error message. Do you get any errors in the Windows Event log when Retrospect crashes?


Make sure you restart after one of these errors, or else Retrospect will fail again.


I would recommend testing with a trial of Retrospect 6.0 to see if the problem still happens.


Pulling the preferences is a good idea. You don't need to delete them, just move them to the desktop, login a handful off users and run some test backups.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate all the replies.


I made some changes to the hardware and the backup ran fine last week. Now this week, the error is back. There is nothing in my event logs and I'm including my assert_log.utx file below. I don't know if it is anything but the header of the asser_log says I am using Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. I am using service Pack 3.


Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated, this is becoming very political and hot for me.


Retrospect detected a failure:


This report documents an unusual condition detected by Retrospect's internal

integrity checking. This might be caused by a software bug, but can also be

the result of an incompatibility, hardware malfunction, damaged system

software, or other problems. Details on possible causes and troubleshooting

advice are given in Technical Note 307, Internal Consistency Check Failed,

which can be found on Dantz's website:




For more information and assistance, please send this report to Dantz

Technical Support. You should include a brief note describing the steps that

led to this failure along with your name, address, and registration number.



Electronic mail: tech_support@dantz.com



Voice: 925/253-3050

FAX: 925/253-9099


Mailing address:

Dantz Development Corporation

Attn: Technical Support

4 Orinda Way, Building C

Orinda, CA 94563 USA




OS: Windows 2000 version 5.0 (build 2195), Service Pack 2

Application: C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\Retrospect.exe, version 5.6.132

Exception occurred on 12/12/2002 at 7:25:27 AM

Error info: Assertion failure at "wind.cpp-6050"

Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION

Fault address: 77EAB2F0 0001:0002A2F0 KERNEL32.dll



Thread ID: 00000620, Name: RetroFrameThread


EAX:01A5E2DC CS:001B EIP:77EAB2F0 EFlags:00000206

EBX:0074EF18 SS:0023 ESP:01A5E2D4 EBP: 01A5E32C

ECX:00000000 DS:0023 ESI:01A5E36C FS: 003B

EDX:60071BE0 ES:0023 EDI:01A5E2FC GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0002A2F0 E06D7363 1 3 01A5E360 01A5E594 01A5E64C E06D7363 1

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:0000A78D 0 0 01A5E594 01A5E64C 0074EF18 60071BD0 01A5E37C 01A5DF1C

bedrock.dll DebugHandler::Throw +53 E0000000 1 1 01A5E3D0 01A5E4D0 60043E60 E0000000 1

bedrock.dll assertLog +1B E0000000 1 01A5E3D0 'essA' 'oitr' 'af n' 'ruli' 'ta e'

bedrock.dll Debug +59 6167BB24 000017A2 0 0 00000493 09EAF2A4 0DD3815C 09EAF2A4

uimeson.dll childSetup +392 0DD5A00C 00CA00A6 0 0 01A5E6C4 01A5E77C 6060B912 01A5E6D8

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0DD5A00C 'Setu' 00CA00A6 0 0 01A5E6C4 01A5E77C 6060B912

uimeson.dll childCreate_Task +46 0DD5A00C 0022E9BC 00CA00A6 0 0 002279C4 01A5E790 0DD5A0FC

uimeson.dll childCreate +98 0DD5A00C 00CA00A6 0 0 002279C4 01A5E790 0022EA18 0DD5A00C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0DD5A00C 'cCrt' 00CA00A6 0 0 002279C4 01A5E790 0022EA18

uimeson.dll childClassCreate +58 0022E9BC 00CA00A6 0 0 002279C4 00000410 0 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0022E9BC 'WCCr' 00CA00A6 0 0 002279C4 00000410 0

uimeson.dll paneCreateNew +53 002279C4 00CA00A6 0 0 00000410 0 0 00CA00A6

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 002279C4 'PCNw' 00CA00A6 0 0 00000410 0 0

uimeson.dll ddFindOwner +AD 0D504FD4 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7B5C 01BE7C14 0 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0D504FD4 'StFO' 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7B5C 01BE7C14 0

meson.dll TMesonMsg::Do +89 0 0 0 015AA7C4 0 0 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonDoOne +149 0 015AA7C4 01A5EF98 6060EB08 09F28A3C 09F28A3C 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonQFlush +4A 09F28A3C 09F28A3C 0 0 1 09F28A3C 01A5F240 0

meson.dll msgHelper +2D 015AA7C4 1 01A5F518 01A5FA10 0074EF18 0 -1 015AA7C4

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 01A5F498 01A5F498 1 01A5F4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 015AA7C4 'Msg ' 6060EADB 015AA7C4 1 01A5F518 01A5FA10 0074EF18

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 01A5F9B0 60629972 015AA7C4 0 0 0012E508 01A5FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 015AA7C4 0 0 0012E508 01A5FED0 6063084C 0 01A5FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 01A5F9E8 01A5F9E8 00000260 01A5FA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 015AA7C4 'LopT' 6060FA5A 015AA7C4 0 0 0012E508 01A5FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 015ABEBC 01A5FEDC 60629972 01224AAC 0012E4F8 0123BECC 0012E2D4

UIPROD.DLL rfThread +CB 01224AAC 0012E4F8 0123BECC 0012E2D4 0012E2D4 0 00000010 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 619407AA 0 0 01A5FF14 01A5FF14 01A5FFA4 01A5FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 015AA7C4 'Task' 619407AA 01224AAC 0012E4F8 0123BECC 0012E2D4 0012E2D4

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012E1FC 0 0 0074EF18 855FA640 01A5FF8C -1 01A5FFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 0074EF18 0 0 0074EF18 7FFD6000 0 01A5FFC0 0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 00000654, Name: Execution thread


EAX:0016789C CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:01070418 SS:0023 ESP:01BE7330 EBP: 01BE7348

ECX:016C24B0 DS:0023 ESI:01BE7394 FS: 003B

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:01BE73FC GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 01BE7394 0 0 0 0016789C 01BE73CC 6060ED3F 01BE7394

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 01BE7394 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0016789C 1 01BE7A7C 01BE7B34 01070418 77E31D20 60039DBF 0016789C

meson.dll doTask +219 'MsgR' 6060EADB 0 0 01BE78CC 01BE78CC 1 01BE7910

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0016789C 'MsgR' 6060EADB 0016789C 1 01BE7A7C 01BE7B34 01070418

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'MsgR' 01BE7A7C 01BE7B34 01070418 015AA7C4 01BE795C 0 0016789C

meson.dll TSynch::Block +86 01BE7A7C 01BE7B34 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll ModuleData::postBlock +34E 0D504FD4 'StFO' 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7B5C 01BE7C14 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +17D 0D504FD4 'StFO' 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7B5C 01BE7C14 0

meson.dll stbsMakeNew +30 00155454 0DD2600C 0D504FD4 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7E90 01BE7E90

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 00155454 'StMN' 0DD2600C 0D504FD4 00000410 0 'ScrT' 01BE7E90

meson.dll pgbsDoDiscover +96 0DD2600C 0 01BE7E90 01BE7E90 0075006B 00000029 01BE7D44 01BE7D98

meson.dll pgbsSetup +183 0DD2600C 00155454 07C081E4 'ScrT' 00000410 01BE8DA4 0 01BE7E90

meson.dll ClassData::pass +225 001830AC 'Setu' 00155454 07C081E4 'ScrT' 00000410 01BE8DA4 0

meson.dll pggnSetup +6D 0DD2600C 07C081E4 'ScrT' 00000410 01BE8DA4 0 01BE7E90 01BE7E90

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 0DD2600C 'Setu' 07C081E4 'ScrT' 00000410 01BE8DA4 0 01BE7E90

meson.dll NewProgress +82 07C081E4 'ScrT' 00000410 01BE8DA4 0 01BE7E90 01BE7E90 0075006B

pcvol.dll vremScriptTrig +335 07C081E4 01BEB5C4 01BE9E34 01BEA058 01BEB5CC 01BEBA84 01BEBCA8 01BEA27C

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 07C081E4 'VScT' 01BEB5C4 01BE9E34 01BEA058 01BEB5CC 01BEBA84 01BEBCA8

ENGINEHI.DLL extoStartSource +6A6 016CF3EC 01BED538 01BEE090 -3 01BEE0F0 01BEE1A8 01BEC350 006D006C

ENGINEHI.DLL extoBegin +4FF 016CF3EC 016CF404 0 01BEEB4C 60629972 016CF3EC 0014BF74 016CF404

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 016CF3EC 'ExBg' 016CF404 0 01BEEB4C 60629972 016CF3EC 0014BF74

meson.dll doTask +28E 'ExOp' 0 016CF3EC 'ExBg' 01BEE67C 01BEE67C 6022F321 01BEE684

meson.dll TThread::TaskSend +23 0016789C 'ExOp' 016CF3EC 'ExBg' 016CF404 0 01BEEB4C 60629972

ENGINEHI.DLL execDoRun +1EE 016CF3EC 0014BF74 016CF404 0 01BEEC48 60609A18 016CF3EC 0014BF74

meson.dll doTask +219 'EScr' 60225319 0 0 01BEEB84 01BEEB84 0 01BEEB94

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0016789C 'EScr' 60225319 016CF3EC 0014BF74 016CF404 0 01BEEC48

ENGINEHI.DLL execRun +33 016CF3EC 0014BF74 016CF3EC 0014C034 0 0012D580 60609A18 0014BF74

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 016CF3EC 'ExRu' 0014BF74 016CF3EC 0014C034 0 0012D580 60609A18

meson.dll TMesonMsg::Do +89 00000010 0 0 0016789C 0 01BEECC8 0065004E 00200077

meson.dll TThread::mesonDoOne +149 0 0016789C 01BEEF98 6060EB08 0065004E 00200077 0065004D 00690064

meson.dll TThread::mesonQFlush +4A 0065004E 00200077 0065004D 00690064 00200061 00610062 006B0063 00700075

meson.dll msgHelper +2D 0016789C 1 01BEF518 01BEFA10 01070418 00000101 0 0016789C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 01BEF498 01BEF498 0 01BEF4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0016789C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0016789C 1 01BEF518 01BEFA10 01070418

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 01BEF9B0 60629972 0016789C 0 0 0012D0A4 01BEFED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0016789C 0 0 0012D0A4 01BEFED0 6063084C 0 01BEFA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 01BEF9E8 01BEF9E8 000002BC 01BEFA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0016789C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0016789C 0 0 0012D0A4 01BEFED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 016CF3EC 01BEFEDC 60629972 00200D0C 0123BECC 000007BF 000032F3

ENGINEHI.DLL execMakeThreadProc +63 00200D0C 0123BECC 000007BF 000032F3 0012D1B0 0012D1B0 00000010 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 60222B86 0 0 01BEFF14 01BEFF14 01BEFFA4 01BEFF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0016789C 'Task' 60222B86 00200D0C 0123BECC 000007BF 000032F3 0012D1B0

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012D0D4 0 0 01070418 855FA640 01BEFF8C -1 01BEFFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 01070418 0 0 01070418 7FFDC000 00130178 01BEFFC0 00130178

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000005B0, Name: Volume tracker thread


EAX:0158CB6C CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:0074EB98 SS:0023 ESP:0186EF00 EBP: 0186EF18

ECX:0022FFF8 DS:0023 ESI:0186EF64 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0186EFCC GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 0186EF64 0 0 0 0158CB6C 0186EF9C 6060ED3F 0186EF64

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0186EF64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0158CB6C 1 0186F51C 0186FA14 0074EB98 0 0 0158CB6C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0186F49C 0186F49C 1 0186F4E0

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0158CB6C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0158CB6C 1 0186F51C 0186FA14 0074EB98

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0186F9B4 60629972 0158CB6C 0 0 0147BF40 0186FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0158CB6C 0 0 0147BF40 0186FED0 6063084C 0 0186FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0186F9EC 0186F9EC 00000254 0186FA08

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0158CB6C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0158CB6C 0 0 0147BF40 0186FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0186FEDC 60629972 0147C044 0147C044 015838B4 0158369C 00000015

pcvol.dll vtloVolTrakThread +3A 0147C044 0147C044 015838B4 0158369C 00000015 0 00000010 01570000

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 6093A2BB 0 0 0186FF14 0186FF14 0186FFA4 0186FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0158CB6C 'Task' 6093A2BB 0147C044 0147C044 015838B4 0158369C 00000015

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0147BF70 00380037 00340039 0074EB98 855FA640 0186FF8C -1 0186FFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 0074EB98 00380037 00340039 0074EB98 7FFD7000 00350034 0186FFC0 00350034

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 00000454, Name: Controller thread


EAX:0123BECC CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:0074EB10 SS:0023 ESP:0147ECCC EBP: 0147ECE4

ECX:0122D5BC DS:0023 ESI:0147ED30 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0147ED98 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 0147ED30 0 0 0 0122C9FC 0147ED68 6060ED3F 0147ED30

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0147ED30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0122C9FC 1 0147F2E8 0147F7E0 0074EB10 0 0 0122C9FC

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0147F268 0147F268 1 0147F2AC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0122C9FC 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0122C9FC 1 0147F2E8 0147F7E0 0074EB10

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0147F780 60629972 0122C9FC 0 0 0012E21C 0147FA08

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0122C9FC 0 0 0012E21C 0147FA08 6063084C 0 0147FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0147F7B8 0147F7B8 000001F0 0147F7D4

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0122C9FC 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0122C9FC 0 0 0012E21C 0147FA08

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0000000C 0 000000A8 000004E4 0 0147F7F8 006F0063

Retrospect.exe controllerThread +2D5 0014D04C 0012EF24 0012E320 0012E320 00000011 0 0000000C 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 611061AA 0 0 0147FF14 0147FF14 0147FFA4 0147FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0122C9FC 'Task' 611061AA 0014D04C 0012EF24 0012E320 0012E320 00000011

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012E24C 0012E310 0 0074EB10 855FA640 0147FF8C -1 0147FFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 0074EB10 0012E310 0 0074EB10 7FFD8000 0012E0D0 0147FFC0 0012E0D0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 000005F4, Name: Quit handler thread


EAX:0019447C CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:00746090 SS:0023 ESP:0105E854 EBP: 0105E86C

ECX:00152EC0 DS:0023 ESI:0105E8B8 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0105E920 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 0105E8B8 0 0 0 0019447C 0105E8F0 6060ED3F 0105E8B8

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0105E8B8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0019447C 1 0105EE70 0105F368 00746090 0 0 0019447C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0105EDF0 0105EDF0 1 0105EE34

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0019447C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0019447C 1 0105EE70 0105F368 00746090

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0105F308 60629972 0019447C 0 0 0012EEC8 0105FA08

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0019447C 0 0 0012EEC8 0105FA08 6063084C 0 0105FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0105F340 0105F340 0 0105F35C

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0019447C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0019447C 0 0 0012EEC8 0105FA08

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0105F374 0105F374 0 00000011 0 0 0

meson.dll QuitWindowStart +165 0012EFCC 0012EFCC 0012F1F0 0012F1F0 00000013 0 4 77F822A5

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' '`a

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0019447C 'Task' '`a

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012EEF8 00130178 0017D0F0 00746090 855FA640 0105FF8C -1 0105FFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 00746090 00130178 0017D0F0 00746090 7FFDA000 00152BB0 0105FFC0 00152BB0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8 78006073 00746090 0 00000008 00000101 FFEEFFEE 0 00740000



Thread ID: 000004FC, Name: Server thread


EAX:0DD9CF10 CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:00746008 SS:0023 ESP:00F5EEFC EBP: 00F5EF14

ECX:00000195 DS:0023 ESI:00F5EF60 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:00F5EFC8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 00F5EF60 0 0 0 0018763C 00F5EF98 6060ED3F 00F5EF60

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 00F5EF60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0018763C 1 00F5F518 00F5FA10 00746008 0 0 0018763C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 00F5F498 00F5F498 1 00F5F4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0018763C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0018763C 1 00F5F518 00F5FA10 00746008

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 00F5F9B0 60629972 0018763C 0 0 0012EEC8 00F5FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0018763C 0 0 0012EEC8 00F5FED0 6063084C 0 00F5FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 00F5F9E8 00F5F9E8 00153DC8 00F5FA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0018763C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0018763C 0 0 0012EEC8 00F5FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0014E7E4 00F5FEDC 60629972 77FB9DA7 77E8B05F 0012F1F0 0012F1F0

meson.dll serverThread +6B 77FB9DA7 77E8B05F 0012F1F0 0012F1F0 0012EFF0 0012EFEC 00000104 77F822A5

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 606081CA 0 0 00F5FF14 00F5FF14 00F5FFA4 00F5FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0018763C 'Task' 606081CA 77FB9DA7 77E8B05F 0012F1F0 0012F1F0 0012EFF0

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012EEF8 77FCB81C 00130608 00746008 855FA640 00F5FF8C -1 00F5FFDC

MSVCRT.DLL 0001:000050CE 00746008 77FCB81C 00130608 00746008 7FFDB000 0012EAFC 00F5FFC0 0012EAFC

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 00000328, Name: Main thread


EAX:7FFDE000 CS:001B EIP:77E58089 EFlags:00000246

EBX:00000000 SS:0023 ESP:0012E40C EBP: 0012E424

ECX:003B0650 DS:0023 ESI:0012E470 FS: 003B

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0012E4D8 GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

USER32.dll 0001:00047089 0012E470 0 0 0 0015321C 0012E4A8 6060ED3F 0012E470

bedrock.dll UGetMessage +25 0012E470 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

meson.dll msgHelper +264 0015321C 1 0012EA28 0012EF20 0 0 0 0015321C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0012E9A8 0012E9A8 1 0012E9EC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0015321C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0015321C 1 0012EA28 0012EF20 0

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0012EEC0 60629972 0015321C 016B39D8 0 0012F3E4 0012F3E4

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 0015321C 016B39D8 0 0012F3E4 0012F3E4 6063084C 0 0012EF28

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0012EEF8 0012EEF8 01244C2C 0012EF14

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0015321C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0015321C 016B39D8 0 0012F3E4 0012F3E4

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 0000000B 0 0012F3F0 60629972 0 0012FF24 611106DB

meson.dll mesonGo +122 0 0012FF24 611106DB 0 0 0 60011018 0014E71C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Prog' 60608239 0 0 0012F428 0012F428 0 0012F42C

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 0015321C 'Prog' 60608239 0 0012FF24 611106DB 0 0

meson.dll Meson +2C 0 0 0 60011018 0014E71C 626F6F01 00000009 0

Retrospect.exe _WinMain +2DB 61100000 0 00132F90 0000000A 0 0 7FFDF000 8042D8EC

Retrospect.exe _WinMainCRTStartup +134 0 0 7FFDF000 0 0012FFC8 0 -1 77ED136C

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0002747C 6111081F 0 000000C8 00000100 EEFFEEFF 2 0 0000FE00





OS: Windows 2000 version 5.0 (build 2195), Service Pack 3

Application: C:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\Retrospect.exe, version 5.6.132

Exception occurred on 1/16/2003 at 4:51:51 AM

Error info: Assertion failure at "wind.cpp-6050"

Exception code: E0000000 ASSERTION

Fault address: 77EAB2F0 0001:0002A2F0 KERNEL32.dll



Thread ID: 0000070C, Name: RetroFrameThread


EAX:0248E2DC CS:001B EIP:77EAB2F0 EFlags:00000206

EBX:01586528 SS:0023 ESP:0248E2D4 EBP: 0248E32C

ECX:00000000 DS:0023 ESI:0248E36C FS: 003B

EDX:60071BE0 ES:0023 EDI:0248E2FC GS: 0000



Module Fn (symbol or seg:offset in DLL) Args

=============== ================================= =======================================================================

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0002A2F0 E06D7363 1 3 0248E360 0248E594 0248E64C E06D7363 1

msvcrt.dll 0001:0000A78D 0 0 0248E594 0248E64C 01586528 60071BD0 0248E37C 0248DF1C

bedrock.dll DebugHandler::Throw +53 E0000000 1 1 0248E3D0 0248E4D0 60043E60 E0000000 1

bedrock.dll assertLog +1B E0000000 1 0248E3D0 'essA' 'oitr' 'af n' 'ruli' 'ta e'

bedrock.dll Debug +59 6167BB24 000017A2 0000038A 000002BF 000004B3 13E470DC ' 0W,' 13E470DC

uimeson.dll childSetup +392 1FA993C4 00CA00A6 0 0 0248E6C4 0248E77C 6060B912 0248E6D8

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 1FA993C4 'Setu' 00CA00A6 0 0 0248E6C4 0248E77C 6060B912

uimeson.dll childCreate_Task +46 1FA993C4 01470D3C 00CA00A6 0 0 00229D5C 0248E790 1FA994B4

uimeson.dll childCreate +98 1FA993C4 00CA00A6 0 0 00229D5C 0248E790 01470D98 1FA993C4

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 1FA993C4 'cCrt' 00CA00A6 0 0 00229D5C 0248E790 01470D98

uimeson.dll childClassCreate +58 01470D3C 00CA00A6 0 0 00229D5C 00000410 0 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 01470D3C 'WCCr' 00CA00A6 0 0 00229D5C 00000410 0

uimeson.dll paneCreateNew +53 00229D5C 00CA00A6 0 0 00000410 0 0 00CA00A6

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 00229D5C 'PCNw' 00CA00A6 0 0 00000410 0 0

uimeson.dll ddFindOwner +AD 1FF21DCC 00000410 0 'ScrT' 0A418EB0 0A418F68 0 0

meson.dll ModuleData::send +6C5 1FF21DCC 'StFO' 00000410 0 'ScrT' 0A418EB0 0A418F68 0

meson.dll TMesonMsg::Do +89 0 0 0 020CBC3C 0 0 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonDoOne +149 0 020CBC3C 0248EF98 6060EB08 0F12404C 0F12404C 0 0

meson.dll TThread::mesonQFlush +4A 0F12404C 0F12404C 0 0 1 0F12404C 0248F240 0

meson.dll msgHelper +2D 020CBC3C 1 0248F518 0248FA10 01586528 0 -1 020CBC3C

meson.dll doTask +219 'Msg ' 6060EADB 0 0 0248F498 0248F498 1 0248F4DC

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 020CBC3C 'Msg ' 6060EADB 020CBC3C 1 0248F518 0248FA10 01586528

meson.dll TThread::MsgBlock +96 'Msg ' 0248F9B0 60629972 020CBC3C 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0

meson.dll loopInTask +1F 020CBC3C 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0 6063084C 0 0248FA14

meson.dll doTask +219 'LopT' 6060FA5A 0 0 0248F9E8 0248F9E8 00000208 0248FA04

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 020CBC3C 'LopT' 6060FA5A 020CBC3C 0 0 0012E508 0248FED0

meson.dll TThread::MsgLoop +41 'LopT' 020C8014 0248FEDC 60629972 0152651C 0012E4F8 0153D93C 0012E2D4

UIPROD.DLL rfThread +CB 0152651C 0012E4F8 0153D93C 0012E2D4 0012E2D4 0 00000010 0

meson.dll doTask +219 'Task' 619407AA 0 0 0248FF14 0248FF14 0248FFA4 0248FF80

meson.dll TThread::TaskCall +21 020CBC3C 'Task' 619407AA 0152651C 0012E4F8 0153D93C 0012E2D4 0012E2D4

meson.dll modThreadRoot +134 0012E1FC 0 0 01586528 852AE760 0248FF8C -1 0248FFDC

msvcrt.dll 0001:000050CE 01586528 0 0 01586528 7FFD6000 0 0248FFC0 0

KERNEL32.dll 0001:0000A2D8



Thread ID: 00000CC8, Name: Execution thread


EAX:0A418620 CS:001B EIP:77E5805F EFlags:00000246

EBX:01586B38 SS:0023 ESP:0A418684 EBP: 0A41869C

ECX:0A410026 DS:0023 ESI:0A4186E8 FS: 0038

EDX:00000000 ES:0023 EDI:0A418750 GS: 0000

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From the first thread you've indicated that this error happens only when backing up a particular set of clients - from 7 to 10 clients depending on which post we're referring to. Is the problem still isolated to these exact clients?


I made some changes to the hardware and the backup ran fine last week.


Okay - what hardware changes? Can you provide any specific information? What backup device are you using? While in Retrospect, go to Configure > Devices > Environment and list Vendor, Product and Version for your drive.


Have you replaced the configuration files, as suggested by Mayoff? If so, what were the results?


I don't know if it is anything but the header of the asser_log says I am using Windows 2000 Service Pack 2. I am using service Pack 3.


OS: Windows 2000 version 5.0 (build 2195), Service Pack 2

Exception occurred on 12/12/2002 at 7:25:27 AM


This is an earlier assert error from December. The more recent errors correctly note Service Pack 3


Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated, this is becoming very political and hot for me.


For immediate assistance you may want to open an incident directly with Technical Support.


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Thank you for your response!!


From the first thread you've indicated that this error happens only when backing up a particular set of clients - from 7 to 10 clients depending on which post we're referring to. Is the problem still isolated to these exact clients?


Yes, the backup contains about 20 clients, but it always errors on the 7 to 10 clients. I originally had the clients in a set of 30 clients, then I tried creating a new smaller backup set but that didn't help.


I made some changes to the hardware and the backup ran fine last week.

Okay - what hardware changes? Can you provide any specific information? What backup device are you using? While in Retrospect, go to Configure > Devices > Environment and list Vendor, Product and Version for your drive.


The changes I made were to update my RAID firmware/bios drivers. When I go to Configure > Devices > Environment and list Vendor, I see:

ID Vendor Product Version Driver

0:0 TEAC CD-224E 3.7D

1:6 QUANTUM DTL7000 2561 DLT 35.0 DC (1.37) - it is showing bold.

5:6 DELL 1x6 U2W SCSI BP 1.29

9:0 DELL Containerkjjjjjj V1.0 - the special characters that look like a box are listed in Retrospect instead of the j

9:1 DELL Containerkjjjjjj V1.0 - the special characters that look like a box are listed in Retrospect instead of the j

10:0 DELL Managementkjjjjj V.1.0 - the special characters that look like a box are listed in Retrospect instead of the j


Have you replaced the configuration files, as suggested by Mayoff? If so, what were the results?


No, I haven't replaced the configuration files. But at this point I am willing to do it, if you don't have any other suggestions.


If their is any other information I can provide please let me know. The strange thing is the week before last Retrospect worked fine, then this week the error appeared again.


Many Thanks

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