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Trouble Adding Mac OS X Client to windows Workgroup Backup


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I'm having trouble connecting a mac os x client to a retrospect workgroup backup server 5.15 running on nt4.




When I try to add the client in it doesn't appear on the piton multicast search screen. However, if I try to test with both the ip address and the fqdn of the client it finds the machine no problems.




The mac can access other network based resources including windows shares, printers and the internet via ms proxy server 2 running on the same nt4 server.




Can anyone help?





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Just to be clear. There are plans to upgrade 5.6 to allow backup of OS X clients? Backing up of Macs was one of the reasons we purchased workgroup 5.6 and I was told that a patch would be available in the future for 5.6. From much of the reading on the boards, it seems only >6.0 will support OS X in the future.







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Version 6 *is* the upgrade for backing up OSX clients.




As a user who has been using the beta for a few weeks, it's well worth the expense. It has a better interface, and I've had NO problems backing up everything from Windows 95-XP Pro workstations, Mac OS 9.x and OS X, Linux servers, Windows NT 4 and Advanced Server 2000 servers. And I do all of this using scripts directly to tape in a single night.




Our backups have actually saved us a few times in the last month, so there was no question that we were going to pay to upgrade our software.




We were using 5.6 Server with 100+ client support, and today I ordered the official upgrade to multi-server 6.0.




It was actually much less expensive than I anticipated, and again, well-worth the cost.

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Unfortunately, I must disagree with the statement that 6.0 *is* the upgrade. This is not what we were led to believe several months ago. Alas, while I can see $400 being an easy call for a system with 100+ computers...it is not so easy for a small business with O(10) systems.









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I was told the same thing. I purchased 5.5 in the summer of 2001 and at that time was told an upgrade would be available for backing up OS X servers, this is the main reason I went with Retrospect. Now if I have to pay for the upgrade that means I bought the software twice and had a year of it not doing what I bought it to do.




I will be looking elsewhere for a solution.





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