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I do get an error during backup.

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In our company, we do use Dantz Backup. Each time I make or shedule a backup, the process hangs giving the error 102 trouble communicating. I checked the termination and even used an additional terminator. There is no problem with the scsi device. We do use MS Windows 2000 Server with MS SQL Server 2000. The backup device is an Onstream SC30e (External SCSI Tape Backup 30 GB). The process is almost each time interrupted by a file called user.dmp. Anyone an idea???

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Try this. Try excluding that file from your backup. See if the backup completes. You could create a selector that excludes this file or you can do an immediate backup and exlude this file manually.




That way we can tell if it really is a 102 error or if it is having trouble with this tmp file.

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Hi Melissa, I tried to exclude the *.dmp files. Didn't work, after approximately 15 à 20 MB the backup stops. I do get an error : Trouble writing media : "1-Alfaserver" error-102 (trouble communicating). I stopped the backup. During updating catalog I do receive another error : Device trouble: "1-Alfaserver", error-216 (media unloaded). The tape stays in the drive.

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