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Network Drives

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We're trying to backup files from our NT 4.0 server to our MAXATTACH 4100. The folders and files get set up but all files are 0 length. Get a error "can't write security information, error - 1001 (unknown Windows OS error)". Using retrospect workgroup 5.15 with latest drivers. (2.15). Any sugestions?

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You should use the client to get around permission issues.


Otherwise your best met is to try changing your launcher service login or auto configure the volume login under Configure/volumes.


www.dantz.com/knowledgebase can help you with both of these.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I had already tried the launcher bit from the knowledge base to no avail. looked for the auto configure the volume login under Configure/volumes but could not find a way to get to auto configure (could be I'm blind?). I don't think it's so much permissions as the directories and file entries are being made on the Maxattach. The permissions on the volume are open to all for everything. The Max drive is set as a mapped drive on the NT server and that is what I'm using as a destination. Is that OK?



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