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renaming error

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Recently upgraded to Windows Desktop Edition version 5.6.127 but don't believe that is the problem.


When adding a particular new client which I can see on the network and selecting TOOLS to rename the client I am getting a message that states there is already a client with that name. No matter what entry I choose for the rename (from Jane Doe to just an A) it says there is already a client with that name. If I select OK it will give the client (a blank for the name) which does no good when trying to add them to a script and/or if I select CANCEL and get all the way out, the client is no longer visible on the network the next time I try to access them. I have restarted the backup desktop and that does not seem to make them available again but if I wait until the client restarts their machine they are visible on the network but the same problem occurs when trying to add them. Any suggestions!!!!!1

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Dantz made changes in 5.6.132 to be more responsive on the network. Try that. (You can get this by going and downloading the Trial Verison and plugging your config files and license code into it.) If it keeps happening, There must be network issues causing the rename error.

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