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Backing up netware volumes

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I'm having trouble executing a script to backup my novell netware volumes. If I launch the script manually everything is OK. But when it automatically starts at 11.30pm for some reason it loses connection with the volumes.




If I go into "My Computer" the volumes are still connected. When I go into "Configure" then "Volumes" and double click on any volume it comes up with a permissions error:




"Sorry, server login failed, error - 1017 (Insufficent permissions)"




It then gives me an option to login to the volume. I key in my username and password (with administrator privileges) and it still brings up the error.




If I quit Retrospect then launch the program again, go into "Configure" then "Volumes" and double click on a volume it is OK. So somehow it is losing the connection to the Netware volume during the script execution.




Please can someone help me urgently?




What would be an easy fix would be if I could just back up the drives I see in Windows Explorer as I have my Netware volumes mapped as drives F,G and H. Why can't I do this? It would solve all my problems.




Also, if I go into Configure, Backup Sets, Properties, there is a "Automatic Login" button but it is greyed out.




I appreciate any support you guys can give me.





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Error -1017 Retrospect for Windows permission errors




These permission errors can happen when doing a backup of a volume via Microsoft networking rather than a Retrospect Client.




Permission errors may occur under the following conditions:




1. When the script was created you were logged in as user X. At the time of backup you are logged in as user Y who does not have permission to connect to the source server. NT/2000: -1001 (unknown Windows error) 98: -1017 (insufficient permissions)




2. When the script was created you were logged in as user X. At the time of backup you are not logged in. NT/2000: -1017 (insufficient permissions) 98: -1116 (can't access network volume)




You may need to configure the Retrospect Launcher Service to automatically log into the shared volume using a non-"system" account for proper login to the shared network volume as follows:




Windows NT 4.0


1. Open the Services Control Panel.


2. Select Retrospect Launcher, stop the service and then click the Startup button.


3. In the "Log On As" section select This Account. LocalSystem will appear in the field to the right.


4. Change "LocalSystem" to the account you want to use and then enter your password in the two password fields. (This allows automatic backup while logged in as the specified account, or while logged out.)


5. Restart the Launcher Service.




Windows 2000/XP


1. Open the Services Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


2. Select Retrospect Launcher, stop the service and then click the Startup button.


3. In the "Log On As" section select This Account. LocalSystem will appear in the field to the right.


4. Change "LocalSystem" to the account you want to use and then enter your password in the two password fields.


5. Restart the Launcher Service









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