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Windows/XP + Onstream

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I have an Onstream DI30 in my system. Am using Windwos/XP Pro, Retrospect Desktop 5.6.132 and drivers 2.8.111.




I find that if I insert the tape I know is needed for the next backup, when I quit and select the "Verify Media" option, it will always come back and tell me that the required media is not mounted.




If I then quit (and check) a second time, it finds the correct tape is loaded.




Also, if I change the tape while sitting in Devices | Status it will show me the right volume (howver, it takes far longer than the Verify Media option appears to want to wait )




Is this working as expected, or should the verify media wait longer before reporting that the the required media is NOT available?





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I also have a similar problem with an Onstream SC-30. My first unattended backup sems to work fine. But the second backup (the next night) always gives me an error. Retrospect thinks that the tape has been erased. I have to eject and then reinsert the tape before it will continue. Any ideas?




Danny Milla

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