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Getting Started

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I just need some embarrasingly simple help. I have installed Retrospect on an XP platform. All is well. It's the basic strategy that confuses me. I tried, in vain, to just check off the files I wanted to backup from my C drive. Instead, I made a folder that contains all the files I need to back up and (for now) is less than 650M, the max that will fit on my CDRW. OK. You'd think I'd be rolling. I think I am. I've tested the thing a few times and it seems to have backed up the files fine. I then added a new file and, presto, it added that file to the "script" (or whatever it's called). I automated the thing, added another file, and watched it work.




I need to know a few things:




* Did I do this right so far?




* How can I actually see what is on the backup disk. I know that the software verifies things, but I want to see for myself. It seems that one doesn't know if a backup works until after it is actually needed. I just want to see a catalog of the files on my backup disk.




* How can I turn off the feature that automatically ejects the disk after a backup? It's frustrating to see a message come up for about 1/10 of a second that says something about preferences to turn this off. I can't find any preferences.




* I really would like to backup more than 650M. I used to use a tape drive, but my new system isn't set up for one. Amazingly, Dell does not sell computers with tape drives in them. Should I just buy a hard drive with removable media? Who sells this. Again, amazingly CompUSA doesn't. Or, should I go back to tapes. I estimate that a 40 gig media would be fine. Any thoughts?





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When Retrospect fills up a CD it will automatically ask you to insert the next one.




The rest of the questions I can answer as soon as I know if you are using Retrospect Express or Retrospect Desktop. (do you have 4 tabs or 6 in the Retrospect Directory?)

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Thanks for responding. I'm using Retrospect Express 5.6 Win. I'm not sure why you mentioned using more than one CD. My goal is to have the backups occur automatically. I suppose I could use a series of CDs and get to my higher meg goal, but it seems like a pain.

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In Express you must setup a restore (you do not have to execute the restore but you do have to set it up). Directions below. In Desktop you would go to Reports/Contents.




To setup a "blank restore" so that we can view all files (including different versions) that are in this backup set:


Please go to Immediate > Restore, and select Search for Files and Folders,


and then proceed to select your Backup Set. Click OK.




In the Destination selection window, select the destination drive and


Retrieve Files & Folders from the pop-up window. Click OK.




Leave the criteria field blank, and click OK.




In the confirmation window, click the Files Chosen button. This will build


a browser window containing everything in your Backup Set.




* How can I turn off the feature that automatically ejects the disk after a backup?


Configure/Preferences Media/Handling - make sure the Eject Media button is not checked.




* I really would like to backup more than 650M.


You can backup more than 650mb with a CD. What happens is Retrospect will automatically ask, when it fills up the CD, for another one. Or if you want other media then - Tape drive, Hard Drive, etc. www.dantz.com/hardware has a list of compatible hardware. All Hard Drives are supported.




Hope this helps!





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