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Fails on last CD in set

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I am using Retrospect Workstation Backup 5.6.127 with rdu 2.8. This is my first go at doing backups and I don't know if this is a pilot error or software problem. My system is Windows 2000 Pro with service pack 1 applied.




I am backing up to a Samsung CD-RW Model SW-212B. I also use the verify option. Things go fine until I get to last CD when doing the verify. Retrospect keeps telling me the inserted media is unrecognizable. After ejecting and reloading the cd, I tried the Choices option as you can see in the log. I'm not sure waht to do now. I've done this about 5 times and so far have 10 unusable CD's in my possession. Any and all assistance is apprecicated.




Here is a snippet from the log:


- 4/7/2002 8:53:45 PM: Copying Data (D:)


4/7/2002 9:41:53 PM: Snapshot stored, 5,051 KB


4/7/2002 9:42:07 PM: Comparing Data (D:)


Reported missing by user: "2-testbackupdrive D"


Reported missing by user: "2-testbackupdrive D"





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