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MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450

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Platform: Windows NT Server 4.0, SP6




I've been experiencing a problem with unattended execution of backup


scripts using Retrospect Workgroup. I have scripts for each backup


client which I set for specific times at night. If one of the computers


has been shutdown Retrospect logs a client not found message. However, I


will frequently login to the computer the next day and the Retrospect


application comes up with the entire system basically halted or in limbo


aparrently due to the client not found message. Frequently users will


tell me that all of the shared printers on the system are unavailable


also. If I'm there doing the week I usually reboot the server. However,


on weekends the scripts for Sunday usually never happen due to this






I tried setting up Retrospect using the Backup Server script setup but


apparently this requires me to leave the system logged in all of the


time since I can't close or exit the Retrospect application without a


warning asking me if I want to shutdown Backup Server. Leaving the


system logged in with the screen locked is not something that I prefer


to do over a weekend.




Is there any way to have unattended execution of backup scripts without


this "lockup" problem?




Over the last weekend I got endless entries in the log of the following:




MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TVol::GetSerialNo: UGetVolumeInformation failed, F:\, winerr 1450, error -1001




MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, D:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\beameup-3mri [001].rbc, winerr 1450, error -1001




I also found that the Backup Server script was running at the same time


even though I had turned it off, or so I thought. Is that script conflicting


with the others that I setup?



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Backup Server will allow you to be logged out. If you shut down Backup Server Script and log out, it will take up to an hour before Backup Server script will start, but it will start!




For this error:


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TVol::GetSerialNo: UGetVolumeInformation failed, F:\, winerr 1450, error -1001




I need a little more info:


Version of Retrospect (down to the build #)


OS, including any Service Packs






Description of when the problem is occurring


Is it cosmetic, or does it impact the program? (is it preventing you from doing backups?)



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For this error:


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TVol::GetSerialNo: UGetVolumeInformation failed, F:\, winerr 1450, error -1001




I need a little more info:


Version of Retrospect (down to the build #)


+ Retrospect version 5.6.132




OS, including any Service Packs


Windows NT Server 4.0 Service pack 6a






Pentium III






256 Mbytes




* * *




Description of when the problem is occurring


All of the time, usually after the system has not been signed in to for more than 24 hours, usually on weekends.




Is it cosmetic, or does it impact the program? (is it preventing you from doing backups?)


No backups occur. Here's the lastest:




+ Normal backup using Backup dmdofc at 4/8/2002 10:00 AM


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, D:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\beameup-3mri [001].rbc, winerr 1450, error -1001


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, D:\Program Files\Dantz\Retrospect\beameup-3mri [001].rbc, winerr 1450, error -1001


Can't access backup set beameup-3mri [001], error -1101 (file/directory not found)


4/8/2002 10:00:12 AM: Execution incomplete


Quit at 4/8/2002 10:00 AM




* * *



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  • 1 month later...

I am seeing the same behavior on a Win2000 Pro based backup server using Retrospect Workgroup 5.6.


I have a Backup Server script called Laptop4 that backs up a few laptops in one script. This morning it successfully completed backing up 3 of the laptops to the Laptop4 backup set (same name as the script), which is stored on the E: (hard) drive of the same computer running the script. Here is the 3rd laptop - successful - and then it conks out:




+ Normal backup using Laptop4 at 5/16/2002 9:24 AM


To backup set Laptop4...




- 5/16/2002 9:24:44 AM: Copying Drive C (C:) on MNOCERA


5/16/2002 9:24:44 AM: Connected to MNOCERA


5/16/2002 9:30:04 AM: Snapshot stored, 20.9 MB


5/16/2002 9:30:10 AM: Comparing Drive C (C:) on MNOCERA


5/16/2002 9:30:22 AM: Execution completed successfully


Completed: 87 files, 3,806 KB, with 69% compression


Performance: 9.9 MB/minute (6.7 copy, 20.2 compare)


Duration: 00:05:38 (00:04:53 idle/loading/preparing)




+ Normal backup using Laptop4 at 5/16/2002 11:40 AM


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, E:\Laptop Backup Sets\Laptop4.rbf, winerr 1450, error -1001


MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, E:\Laptop Backup Sets\Laptop4.rbf, winerr 1450, error -1001


Can't access backup set Laptop4, error -1101 (file/directory not found)


5/16/2002 11:40:25 AM: Execution incomplete




MapError: unknown Windows error 1,450


TFile::Read: ReadFile failed, E:\Laptop Backup Sets\Laptop1.rbf, winerr 1450, error -1001


....several more of these, and then I stopped the backup server.




This computer is running Norton Antivirus, and after this happens, NAV AutoProtect is disabled, Retrospect won't run properly anymore, and Win2000 seems to be locked up. I have to reboot the server.




I see this behavior also with regular scripts, not necessarily only Backup Server scripts. The manifestation is always the same: NAV AutoPortect is disabled, Retrospect won't run properly, Win2000 seems to be locked up (can't even open the Start menu), and I have to use the 3-finger salute to reboot.




Retrospect: 5.6.127


Driver Update: 2.8.111


Win2000 Pro 5.0.2195, SP2 Build 2195


CPU P3 @ 433MHz


RAM: 512MB




I have 20 computers on this network, and this is causing much concern - the backup procedures are simply not reliable.

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1st of all you must turn Norton off when doing a backup. (www.dantz.com/knowledgebase tells you this as well). We do not run correctly if Norton is running.




error 1450 mean "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. " It it normally a cosmetic issue (and you shouldn't even see the debug log code in the log).



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We traced our problem here first to a corrupted catalog file, you might check your Backup Set Properties after the problem happens to see if the file is corrupted by the event also. If so, you might need to delete the catalog file and rebuild it from your last tape. I'd work with someone at Retrospect if you plan on doing that unless you know how to do it. The 1450 error may come from the fact that the catalog is corrupted during backup and can't be found by Retrospect immediately after that, I'm just guessing here. The read error in your messages refers directly to the catalog file if I'm not mistaken?




The other problem we've had most likely relates to a CompactFlash card reader on the same system that does the backups. Sometimes Retrospect tries to backup this card reader as if it was a drive even though there is no media present in the card reader and it is not included as a backup volume. I'm not too sure yet how Retrospect gets confused on this, card readers are certainly not supported by Retrospect. One possibility is in transferring a file from the system to the card reader and then leaving the folder open where the file originated will lead Retrospect to "noticing" the card reader. This is what was most likely leading to the corruption of the catalog in our case. I've now set the card reader drive to be "ignored" in the Devices > Environment screen. If you have any "strange" peripheral devices attached to the system, or to your laptops, then you might look at those as a possible problem. Don't use the "My Computer" container in this case, specify only the specific drives you want backed up on each client.




Perhaps, you mention laptops, one of them is temporarily unavailable on the network and the backup fails because it can't be found? Does Laptop4 have any card reader like devices?




One of the "superstitious" things I always do now is to make sure that I insert the tape for the next backup while Retrospect is running and make sure that the software recognizes the tape on the "Devices" window before exiting Retrospect. Previously if I rebooted the server I would just insure that there was a tape in the drive. However this would sometimes lead to a failed backup. So now I always startup Retrospect and make sure it is happy before exiting the program and logging out. :-)




I hear you about the reliability thing. :-(



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Thanks for that - now I remember reading that Norton shouldn't be running, but it slipped past me. This is not a good thing, by the way, since this is an extra level of virus protection - our users are not always careful about virus protection so the backup server would be a good place to check their files during the backup process and let tthem know the next morning.... in any case, Dantz should ensure that even if Norton is running, it shouldn't crash the application or Win 2000!




To "foster" - I'm backing up to a hard drive, not to tape, so the problems you mentioned are not applicable - also no other peripherals - thanks anyway for your "from the trenches" response :-)







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