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BSOD just after retensioning

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I downloaded the trial verison of Desktop because my Veritas Backup Exec suddenly stopped working. Retrospect is doing the same thing but with a slightly different message. When trying to do a backup, just after the retentioning is complete, I get the BSOD with fata exception 0e in Vxd IOS which was called from VxD voltrack. So now 2 back up programs won't run. Is this a software or hardware problem?

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That's my thought as well, and that was the reason I removed Backup Exec and tried Retrospect. BE was not giving as detailed an error message, so when Retro spit out that IOS and voltrack were crashing, I started wondering if maybe a dll or vxd somehow got corrupt. Sounds like my next course of action is a new drive, I've heard very bad things about Travan drives. Thanks for your comments.

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