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backing up Macintosh Shares

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We have in the past used Retrospect Workgroup backup for Macintosh, to backup our mac clients, plus on the backup server we mounted the mac shares from our Win 2000 Server, so they could be backed up as well.




We're now shifting our backup to a Win 2000 server.




This presents me with a problem. the mac clients, they backup fine, the other Win 2000 servers, fine, we backup the C drive, no problems.




However, the main file server, also Win 2000 Server, that presents a problem. Why? well, we have a C drive on it, and there is a directory called 'Mac Shares' which contains, you guessed it, our mac shares, there are about six directories in there, which are shared out for macintosh.




Now my problem/question is this.




if I backup the whole C drive of this win 2000 server, will it preserve the mac shares directories? i'm mainly worried about restoring the mac data, as we are a macintosh developer so this data is CRITICAL to us.




I hope this makes sense.




thanks for any information.

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The Retrospect application for Windows can back up the Mac share partitions without any problems, locally or from and Windows client. It's just another data volume when seen from the Windows side, and you needn't take any additional steps to ensure backup of this data.

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I recall reading in the manual that you should mount the mac share on a mac client and backup the share through the mac client. I guess this preservers the data and resource forks better than backing up the mac share locally on the Win2000 server.





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